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What are the gfx like, did ubi gimp them much?

So this beta is on all weekend, excellent nice to give it a go.

I thought the graphics looked pretty good, especially when you're in the Dark Zone and the snow starts swirling around you and it's catching all the lighting it looked great.
What are the gfx like, did ubi gimp them much?

So this beta is on all weekend, excellent nice to give it a go.

yeah they did gimp them a fair bit, still very impressive but not a patch on the E3 stuff.

A few shots I took to give you an idea.




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I think second best looking game to SWBF might be a bit strong with Rise of the Tomb Raider out but it did look good and especially atmospheric during the blizzards etc.

Maybe we'll get a high res texture pack yet like they have with R6 Siege.
Can someone just clarify....

..there is a steam version and a uplay version? Or the steam version simply opens uplay and you have to run an account through that? Would much rather not bother with the uplay if possible..
Steam will open uPlay afaik.

Can't see anyway which would see Ubi not pushing their own platform with a big release like this.

I could be wrong however, but I don't think so.
Uplay is required, yep, even if bought or launched through Steam. Your accounts can be linked though (steam and Uplay), so you never have to interact with Uplay unless you really want to.

That said, I believe your character name and friends list is controlled through Uplay, so we'll have to deal with that...
I don't get the hate towards Uplay, tbh. Sure, Steam is better, it's convenient having everything all in one place and it's a bit of a pain rebuilding your friend list, but that's purely down to the fact that Steam was around first, more than anything.

I think Uplay actually runs a lot smoother than Steam and it's only a launcher, at the end of the day. To not buy a perfectly good game because you have to use Uplay seems a bit strange, imo.
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