Had great fun tonight doing HVTs and DZ. Got a couple more greens but not as much as last night. Momo gave me an awesome 240 Striker's pack to replace my 214 and man oh man! Toughness went from 234 to 306K, armor mitigation to 74.86%! A real game changer as I no longer died as easily post-patch 1.2 in the DZ.
My plans are farming for greens (pref. 240s) and mats, collect full 6 pcs sets of everything but Nomad and start my build anew. And only then recalibrate because I'd like a complete picture first. I will, of course, improve on my build meanwhile, and I've got a boat load of 240s already.
I've been hearing here and there that Predator's are going to be the new best DZ PvP thing but in my opinion it's going to be cat and mouse; whereas 'everyone' will get 4 Predator's 'everyone' will also get 100% Bleed Resistance, rendering the set useless. It may be a good idea to be able to have that 100% and rip through player armor as quickly as possible - if that's possible. I have learnt that I need to be capable for both PvE and PvP in the DZ on the same gear but am at a loss as how to pull that off.
Also picked up a very nice M45A1 204 pistol that does 13.3K base DMG unmodded (earlier I said the M1911 could do a 100K but I meant 100K DPS, sorry) and sits slightly below the M1911 (about 2K DPS) but does have all the talents unlocked (including toxic). I've kept it just in case.
HVTs: whereas we hoped to be able to redo the weeklies over and over again for the rewards I found that we can, but miss out on the rewards. I wish there were more weeklies and no intel cap.
I'd like to do Clear Sky again tomorrow evening following Twirley's vid. Gamble, Greg, Flash; you're up!
Had great fun tonight doing HVTs and DZ. Got a couple more greens but not as much as last night. Momo gave me an awesome 240 Striker's pack to replace my 214 and man oh man! Toughness went from 234 to 306K, armor mitigation to 74.86%! A real game changer as I no longer died as easily post-patch 1.2 in the DZ.
My plans are farming for greens (pref. 240s) and mats, collect full 6 pcs sets of everything but Nomad and start my build anew. And only then recalibrate because I'd like a complete picture first. I will, of course, improve on my build meanwhile, and I've got a boat load of 240s already.
I've been hearing here and there that Predator's are going to be the new best DZ PvP thing but in my opinion it's going to be cat and mouse; whereas 'everyone' will get 4 Predator's 'everyone' will also get 100% Bleed Resistance, rendering the set useless. It may be a good idea to be able to have that 100% and rip through player armor as quickly as possible - if that's possible. I have learnt that I need to be capable for both PvE and PvP in the DZ on the same gear but am at a loss as how to pull that off.
Also picked up a very nice M45A1 204 pistol that does 13.3K base DMG unmodded (earlier I said the M1911 could do a 100K but I meant 100K DPS, sorry) and sits slightly below the M1911 (about 2K DPS) but does have all the talents unlocked (including toxic). I've kept it just in case.
HVTs: whereas we hoped to be able to redo the weeklies over and over again for the rewards I found that we can, but miss out on the rewards. I wish there were more weeklies and no intel cap.
I'd like to do Clear Sky again tomorrow evening following Twirley's vid. Gamble, Greg, Flash; you're up!
Was a good night, then a bad night. Falcon lost on HARD, I failed st the bomb on wave 15.....then on the second run, I got stuck on the spot in wave 12 unable to move at all.
Luckily Melbo saved the day. Thanks man.
F34r your on bud.
Nice one and deffo up for it but got to be done by 21:30 for work bud
I am aiming for about 1pm online tomorrow so will see you when you get on. Hopefully I will have another fresh server for us to roam around in lol.
I am aiming for about 1pm online tomorrow so will see you when you get on. Hopefully I will have another fresh server for us to roam around in lol.
Nice one and deffo up for it but got to be done by 21:30 for work bud
The night redeemed itself.
The guy who wanted to do FL HM was someone who saw my youtube video of the 3 man CM FL, and decided to add me and ask for help - which is why I was so annoyed that I failed wave 15 due to the stupid ultimate glitch. I wouldn't have used it but I was switching between immuniser and pulse throughout ands forgot until it was too late and decided f it, just go for it.
We completed HM FL second time round with three players(thankyou Melbo), then did HM CS with Rad and deFiniLoGy, with the new guy and got him some good gear.
Then we went into the DZ with the new players just found 201+ bracket and got him even more gear!
Was goodwhen I first joined his group he was gs 180, when I left I think he was gs 205/6.
He was super happy with every drop and everything he found and completed (hadn't completed HM CS yet) and the guys were dropping what they could for him.
I was also filling him in on the "OCUK" tag on some of our names and explained the nature of the members of the videos etc and he was super buzzed to find people so willing to help and quite excited to be with so "l33t/tanked" players as he worded it lol
Always nice to be nice, but now with the game as it is, its so easy to be nice and just give away whatever to other people.
Only downside was his friend who was also wanting help, had to go offline when we failed HM FL the first time, so now he has a decision to make....sell some gear to bring his GS down to play with his friends, or get us to help bring his friend up to the 201+ bracket.
I think we can help herevery easily, and I am quite happy that we were able to help, as an OCUK community to bring other players up in their game to enjoy the new areas more so.
Also...he was very audible on the mic and followed instructions well so plus plus all round. I wish every random was like that lol
How do you do the HVT in a group as i need no match making when you buy it.
do you just create a group and go do the HVT?
did two of the HVTs (costing 5 each) and got 1 HE item and a predator set.
bought the blueprint for the lone star holster but was not as good as what i had already lol
Think the only way is to create a group first and then accept the mission.
Tried the hardest daily solo and that didn't go well, not a good idea to take on 20+ level 31 (feel as hard as the 32 enemies) shot gunners
Managed to defeat the first wave but then the ones that run at you came at me and that was pretty much game over ones I got surrounded from all sides, and to make it worse the mission is on a roof![]()