The Division. Are we interested?

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spot the fail.
-109 and -68 armor? :D

Played little bit with mods,managed 250DPS and 350thoug,still hunting for 240vest,gloves,mask :(
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New items in the BoO from the Special Vendor:

Historian Classic M1 MR GS 204 148% HS Damage, DMG 39.9k 10 Magazine size, Prepared, Intense, Harmful 884 Bird Bucks
Military M870 Shotgun GS 204 DMG 74.4k, 5 Magazine size, Dominant, Capable, Brutal(:D) 871 Bird Bucks
Classic AK-47 AR GS204 DMG 10.2k RPM 600, 30 Magazine size, Competent, Destructive(:D), Deadly(:D) 937 Bird Bucks
Classic M1A GS 182 167% HS Damage, DMG 36.9k, other stats same as Historian, Sustained, Harmful, Trained 222 Bird Bucks

If you don't have a 204 AR the AK is pretty good with two excellent Talents. It certainly is a bit of a Bucking Bronco though and needs a steady hand and some stability from mods.

DZ3 Vendor:

Not great it must be said. And the RPK twice, BP and to buy? Disappointing.
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games getting a little boring now, not enough endgame content and the new incursion was too small and easy. it is more like an extended mission rather than a proper incursion like falcon lost

spot the fail.

lol :D

Crap in the dz vendors again. :(

Nothing I want this time either :(, all I want is a blueprint for a 204 Aug, ACR or an M1A.

Here is my current setup so far, just need to get the toughness up with the current set. Only need two more 240's for a full set with that score. Hopefully I will come across them sometime with decent rolls.

Keep switching back and forth between the Aug and Vector due to the extra damage the vector does to elites which drops my DPS down to 220k. If I could get the same talents as the vector I rolled on an Aug it would be really nice.

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Anyone seeing any 240 Tactitions gear about?

Still sitting at 190gs. My peak play time starts now, 12 hours of the division :o
Thanks to the guys I ran with yesterday afternoon, was my first day of patch, hopefully by the end of today I will break 200gs
Anyone seeing any 240 Tactitions gear about?

Still sitting at 190gs. My peak play time starts now, 12 hours of the division :o
Thanks to the guys I ran with yesterday afternoon, was my first day of patch, hopefully by the end of today I will break 200gs

Have seen quite a few 240's of those. Always happy to share those and others if you can get into the 201+ DZ and want to do a bit of farming.
Man I hit this game hard today. Some great fun with loads of the guys from here thanks :) and and loads of bits and bobs but damn those elusive 240 Striker or Sentry gloves. Tons of 240 on the new gear though but still makes for a shoddy build compared to what I currently am at.
This is my new build for running anything with atm:


Those mods slots are geared 50/50 firearms and stamina which means I can roll any way I want for the time being.

I still have a big list of stuff to get but I am happy with this for the time being. Good for PVE and PVP.

I wont bother to post my wish list but when I get it, expect the above screenshot to be higher toughness/DPS but less electronics :P
then once I have that, I will start working on alternative builds which tbh I already have: ie 550-600k toughness and 35-40k electronics.

I should be on tomorrow morning/early afternoon but after that, wont be on till Sunday afternoon :(

thanks Momo/Greg/F34R/Chanjy/Pasty/Definilogy and whoever else I forgot for tonight. Good DZ/CS/FL runs :)
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