The Division. Are we interested?

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Yeah we were on the other night Tess, both left at quarter to 2 :p

Does anyone know of a website where you can get help with a build? Like you enter all the gear you have, and it checks it and tells you what's best to run? I suppose that's too much to ask? :p
Some word I can't use here, decided to shoot me just when I was attaching an extraction last night. The group then starting taunting me in what sounded like Swedish. Yay! Random question - do all types of 240 gear have a chance to drop in dz5/6?
Yeah :D I cant wait (as always) and I hope I am not disappointed. What I want is:

l32 firearms mod ( I already have electronics and stamina)

That would make me very happy :)

i want a 204 mp5 bp. i picked one up in the DZ the other day, while its great it has bad talents. reminded me how much i love that SMG compared to the others.
Some word I can't use here, decided to shoot me just when I was attaching an extraction last night. The group then starting taunting me in what sounded like Swedish. Yay! Random question - do all types of 240 gear have a chance to drop in dz5/6?

Yes they do indeed. :)

i want a 204 mp5 bp. i picked one up in the DZ the other day, while its great it has bad talents. reminded me how much i love that SMG compared to the others.

The MP5 was my favourite weapon as well. My Aug that I picked up a month or so ago from the vendor is epic, but if an MP5 BP came up again in 204, I wouldn't be able to resist.
The MP5 was my favourite weapon as well. My Aug that I picked up a month or so ago from the vendor is epic, but if an MP5 BP came up again in 204, I wouldn't be able to resist.

its just so nice to use. i nearly wet myself when i saw it was 204. took 3 attempt to extract the damn thing, only to get disappointed by the talents :D

still using it, even with the bad talent roll i can melt mobs quicker than the vector i had before.
Was doing daily HVT's but couldn't do any more? I need 20x of something but not sure what it is.

if you are doing the HVT's you need something called "intel".

each safe house as a ! next to it, that is for search and destroy.

go to the safe house and click on the big board in the safe house to update your map with 3 x intel lcations, go kill all 3 and return the safe house board. You will get a item for completing this and you will get three "intel" points.

Do the same at each safe house to get the intel points once you have 20 return to BoO and pick which HVT you wish to do, be careful which ones you do as some need groups to complete
Ohh that's the intel icon, ok thanks.

Does doing dailies with more people increase the difficulty? I just got creamed by 1 enemy in seconds on the russian consulate. Albeit I did run through the door guns flailing..
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