It was well fun tonight and I ended up with 3-4 pieces I really needed (and of course pistols, shotguns and other water pistols) - thanks guys for the runs and gear!
Gamble, what happened to your DZ funds?
Anyway, it was great fun underneath the balcony, gave a whole new perspective to FL. You skill build was one we couldn't do without tonight, and Momo was great as always and I'd run away from Def if I ever met him in the DZ and he was not on my teamThat guy can take a hit and deal some serious damage!
I need to get onto the Reddit discord as well it seems, but I'm not on Reddit (already on too many forums as it is ha ha).
Either way, I'm getting real close to finalizing my gear collection to make a fresh start and I cannot wait and hopefully am able to do so before the Underground DLC drops. However, I am going to continue my Div break but will run incursions for things meanwhile. Just want to progress a heap in GTA.
I barely use reddit, just the discord.
The DZ funds....firearms mod bp, few weapon mods, and spent the rest of it on performance mods to deconstruct lol
I'm going to run cm fl tomorrow as well as hm, and hm Cs and Maybe!!! Cm Cs lol then will take another short break till the weekend for the vendor refresh.