*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

Some of the story is really good though!

I wish they created a game mode a bit like survival but not as hardcore but with more interactive streets designed for coop play with the inclusion of a commander/drone implementation (which got cut) to push back the fog of war, etc. so many mini-missions and so on could be done with that.

I'm just so rarely in the mood for the focus you need to play the survival mode but I like the atmosphere of it and new take on the city it gives.
I'll probably just play it for the story to be fair. Some folk I know have played it for years so assume I wouldn't be able to play with them?

They could roll new characters or play with you on lower content by lowering their tier, etc. but unfortunately there is no mentoring type system or other level scaling for people playing together so you'd just literally die the moment you entered a room at higher levels heh and they'd have to scrape you off the floor after clearing each room, repeat :(
They could roll new characters or play with you on lower content by lowering their tier, etc. but unfortunately there is no mentoring type system or other level scaling for people playing together so you'd just literally die the moment you entered a room at higher levels heh and they'd have to scrape you off the floor after clearing each room, repeat :(

Yeah that doesn't sound fun haha.
I'll probably just play it for the story to be fair. Some folk I know have played it for years so assume I wouldn't be able to play with them?

The Division story (arguably, the whole game) is 100% better than Division 2. Division 2 story was hilariously bad And cringey at times lol.

I’m playing through again single player, it’s fine on your own :)
Onslaught global event is live. Dunno if it is because I've not played in awhile, worse because more people are on and it is laggier or they've made a change (not noticed an update) but the movement is making me feel a bit meh and worse than I remember - seems way more instances of running ahead of where I'm aiming for, slow turning like a boat, snapping into the wrong cover, wobbling into scenery when trying to run in a straight line after a slight direction change, etc. etc. whoever decided it was a good change to the movement needs their head examined to put it politely.
Outbreak GE live - I swear they must have increased the contamination damage at some point - my reclaimer used to be able to tank it fairly well - although I switched from using a maxed out support station reclaimer to a "combat variant" which trades off about 10-15% support station healing rate for around 40% higher damage output which is a much better compromise in most missions so might be due to that.
Installing this again instead of TD2, as i feel this is the better game and i got fed up with TD2 months ago, not to mention i fancy playing a looter shooter again.
Bit of a thread bump - was playing last night with someone with a silly DPS Big Al Striker build (and the odd randoms but mostly was just 2 of us) did all the legendaries and heroics aside from Stolen Signal in well under an hour! one of the fastest runs I've done on Clear Skies without GE bonuses (had it down to about 3 minutes in the past with a group who knew what they were doing - but took about 5 last night).

In the end I just swapped to my turret/pulse skill power build (Relentless for healing) as I couldn't keep up with them DPS wise with my Striker and my Reclaimer builds were redundant LOL.

Found some of the post-processing settings in the game have started to trigger migraines though :( I noticed the odd one in the past which seemed to coincide but lately it has been reproducible - not sure why - I think it is a combination of how tensed up I get while playing and certain visual settings.
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Now I know how some people get so high GE ranks, etc. - was on a team with 2 players who were running twice as fast as normal running speed and instantly clearing, as in literally 1-2 server frames, entire rooms of enemy on legendary difficulty... not seen that level of cheating the game in PVE though I know some people have been using RPM hacks, etc. never mind the cheating in PVP. (Which resulted in getting the Blackout No Time To Die commendation...).
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Has there been a change to Seeker Mines that I missed? Was running some heroics last night and one of the teammates was using them and they appeared to be effective. I wasn't aware Seeker Mines worked at higher level. Feels like years since I came across a full Seeker Mine build.
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