The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Remastered - MODS & TWEAKS

A few more guys :)

Diverse Dragons Collection SE


No snow under the roof

Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul

Realistic Water

Proper Aiming

Combat Evolved

No BS AI Projectile Dodge (Magic and Arrows) - Immersive Projectiles Nondetection of Enemies

Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin

Nearly done with my first set of mods. Finally have a good run on it tonight.
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This is what I'm struggling with, even with everything maxed out, the draw distance is just awful on the terrain :(

Any advice on increasing it? I can't find a simple solution in the ini files.

Thats the vanilla LOD's. The best solution for that is DynDoLOD whenever its available (Changing Ugrids is not recommended)

Just a few good looking immersion mods from the first several pages of nexus.

Realistic Lighting Overhaul SSE

This is a work in progress atm the Weathers module in particular needs fixing up that is not worth bothering with yet in my experience

Realistic Water is not the same as Realistic Water Two which is completely different mod by a completely different guy, not sure why he's given it the nearly same name.

Verdant appears to be a partial conversion the .esp has been fixed up (or claimed too the author hasn't checked it himself) but the grass meshes not at all there are some odd effects here and there (SE changed way meshes work some still function ok, others not)
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Realistic water and weather occlusion are both in the SE by default. They are some of the "hidden" new features.

In particular the mods to do weather occlusion were just a fudge as all they did was render the weather and then render again on top to hide it. it's built into the engine now and
works great.

The new water in the Se whilst also looking much better both close up and at range also has much better physics. currents now work and follow directional rules and can be altered by objects and obstructions.
Mods added and colours changed :)

Verdant Grass has not been added as at this current time many are reporting issues with it during some parts of the game, large frame rate drops and clipping, even with ini edited.
>By Snakorn.

No it's not mine. I use "digitalx" everywhere.

It's alright when configured and probably needs other mods to look good enough for you. each to their own.
So when do you think we'll see the likes of ModOrganiser, BOSS etc updated for SE if they haven't already?

Afraid Mod Organizer might never be updated again. Nexus hired Tannin42, the creator of Mod Orginazier, and they now working on a new version of Nexus Mod Manager.

Tannin has written a statement that I’ve no doubt he’ll be using elsewhere as well. But here it is for you to read now:

Dear MO users,

As you may have already read on the Nexus news, I've recently joined their ranks.
If you haven't read it yet: Yeah that happened.

Over the coming weeks and months we will keep the community informed on what we're planning
and working on for the future of NMM but right now many of you may be more concerned with
what this means for MO.

First I want to assure you that the primary reason of Robin hiring me was to take advantage
of my experience with MO and to integrate it into the Nexus offering, not to kill off MO. And the primary reason for me to take the job was that it will allow me to invest serious time into creating a better modding experience when previously it was becoming increasingly difficult for me to find time and motivation to work on MO in my spare time alongside a demanding job.

Obviously I won't be working on MO any more which unfortunately means that, unless someone else picks up where I left, MO v2 won't appear in a stable version. I know that will appear as a loss now and I apologize to everyone who was looking forward to a new release.

I do hope however that you trust me, and everyone else at Nexus Mods, to understand what you
liked about MO.

I'm confident that with what we're planning you won't be missing MO for long.

Fulll article here: Big changes for the Nexus Mod Manager and the introduction of Tannin42, our new head of NMM development
Afraid Mod Organizer might never be updated again. Nexus hired Tannin42, the creator of Mod Orginazier, and they now working on a new version of Nexus Mod Manager.

Fulll article here: Big changes for the Nexus Mod Manager and the introduction of Tannin42, our new head of NMM development

Good and bad news I guess. Bad, in the sense that a great tool is now dead, but hopefully it will be resurrected even better than before in the guise of a new NMM. NMM was great for its simplicity, whereas MO was very good and keeping mods organised (funny that..) and handling conflicts etc. It was however complex and in depth, so I'm interested to see what the future holds for NMM. Either way, I can't wait to have a good SSE mod handler so I can crack on with the new Skyrim modding experience. STEP/Realvision took a long time to set up and test, but the results were amazing so I'm waiting for the likes of those to be available for SE before I jump back in.
Really good to see this thread, Neil. It'll be my first port of call when I get home in a couple of weeks and try to get the game playable.

The time and effort is appreciated.
Really good to see this thread, Neil. It'll be my first port of call when I get home in a couple of weeks and try to get the game playable.

The time and effort is appreciated.

You're welcome, I don't update the other one as much anymore... It's pretty much a done thing and down to the gamer to install other mods :cool:
For anyone having big FPS drops even on good rigs with this mod (or a combination of this and Verdant's grass) should lower their Shadow Quality in the launcher to High instead of Ultra, it will just drop the shadow resolution from 4096 to 2048 but I gained 30FPS on my GTX 1060 6gb.

Was dropping to around 50FPS around Falkreath and Riverwood (with shadow distance on high), so went through all my settings trying to gain a few more FPS and with Shadow Quality on High I was back to around 80FPS.

Worth a shot? :)
I was trying out some reshades and enbs last night however wasn't keen on any so removed them.

I've since noticed that when entering interiors everything is extremely dark and looks almost greyscale. Anyone have any idea what may be causing this?
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