The Expanse is an upcoming American space opera / mystery science fiction drama television series on Syfy, based on the series of novels of the same name. Set in a future where humanity has colonized the Solar System, it follows police detective Miller (Thomas Jane), ship's officer Jim Holden (Steven Strait) and his crew as they unravel a conspiracy that threatens peace across the System and the survival of humanity.
Apparently this is Syfy trying to make something good and not their usual fare, to get back to doing the space operas. Budget is the most they've ever spent on a show.
They put the first episode online today and starts properly on 14th December.
**Please use spoiler tags for any reveals for TV show or books**
The Expanse is an upcoming American space opera / mystery science fiction drama television series on Syfy, based on the series of novels of the same name. Set in a future where humanity has colonized the Solar System, it follows police detective Miller (Thomas Jane), ship's officer Jim Holden (Steven Strait) and his crew as they unravel a conspiracy that threatens peace across the System and the survival of humanity.
Apparently this is Syfy trying to make something good and not their usual fare, to get back to doing the space operas. Budget is the most they've ever spent on a show.
They put the first episode online today and starts properly on 14th December.
**Please use spoiler tags for any reveals for TV show or books**
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