The Final Push - Diet Evaluation.

25 Sep 2006
Yep looking good. And the strength still decent (180kg dl for a double) considering your eating much less. good work :D


Aye I was pleased with this :)

Considering I've only deadlifted on three other occasions in the last 2 weeks, since December when I set my PB and I'm still a bit glycogen depleted too.

How have you found the adjustments to your diet mate?
25 Sep 2006
PM Weight: 84.3KG
AM Weight 82.1KG

Just did the final phase of testing for a friends dissertation this morning. A brief squat session. Cardio this afternoon.

Edit: Was tasting whey samples for when I bulk order over Easter so had 6 scoops of whey and 2 of oats in total:eek: Hopefully shouldn't effect weight too much!

Will also be adding Taurine to my stack from tonight in preparation for my bulk, this could create a slight increase in weight due to its properties.

I'm quite happy with my progress and as I want to train like an absolute beast over Easter I'm going to cut the cut short by a week and begin loading Creatine-Mono from mid-day Monday providing I can get my bodyfat % tested. Hopefully I can, be nice to see if I dropped it much in these 2-3 weeks.

Loading for the week will mean come Monday 29th I'll be good to go :)
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25 Sep 2006
PM Weight: 83.4
AM Weight: 81.0

Despite yesterdays whey tasting session! I think sub 80KG is achievable! Be nice to get this stomach nice and flat. Going to make this a '10 kilo cut' if it kills me!
25 Sep 2006
PM Weight: 83.7
AM Weight: 81.6

A little odd. Could be from having started taking Taurine or Level 3 yesterday - we ate earlier than usual which left me feeling quite hungry in the afternoon so I had a few snacks which is probaly more likely. Also no no.2 this morning :p
25 Sep 2006
PM Weight: 83.0KG
AM Weight: 81.2KG

So down a little from yesterday. Though before I went for a S&Shower I was 81KG dead :confused: Thought I'd have been lighter after dropping the kids off at the pool!

Cardio today and am contemplating some Steady State on the X-trainer, well random hills really for 40 minutes to help get the weight down but also give me a rest from rowing. Rowing is working so 'if it ain't broke don't fix it' but some SSC could do the trick...
25 Sep 2006
Erghhh cutting morale is lowwwww today :(:(:( It does nothing for my personality either. Pritty much ready to snap at the next person!

As mentioned I have introduced Taurine to my stack. This is giving me some really good but at the same time bad sleep. It feels like I've been asleep for ages, although I haven't which is good but I find once my body has had enough rest I simply can't sleep. This is usually around 6.30/7am which is fine, I wake up feeling fresh and good to go. However I'm now rather tired and want to go to bed but it means I'd be ready to get up come 5am!

I think the fact I've been cutting for so long is beginning to wear me down. As well as being hungry, Taurine being a cell volumiser too, is making me drink lots. Not out of thirst but because if I don't I become dehydrated * I think*, possibly why I felt like such arse by the time I got to the workshops. I've been putting the same amount of fluid in, but less out.

I had a bit of a binge today 6 slices of wholemeal toast covered in nutella :eek: However I did decide to do an hours hills on the x-trainer burning approximatley 950 calories. Walked to and from the workshops (15 mins up hill) Coupled with the fact I had no whey today and could use a 25gram serving before bed instead of 50gram (another 300cals less) would pritty much cancel it out.

The bulk monster in me wants to come out and I'm not sure how much longer I can hold it inside!

If I see some progression below the 81KG barrier after the next session of x-trainer hills (with 2 binge free days before it) then I will stick it out till the Monday afternoon when I have my bf % test. If not I may just accept defeat! I'm happy with a 9kg cut but would be over the moon if I could make it 10kg :)
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25 Sep 2006
Keep at it mate, your last snippet of pics showed how well its going so stick at it as planned.

1 week left then you can pig out :)

Cheers. I've already planned my pigging out meal for Monday!

Bit of a cheer me up I just weighed in at 82.9KG, 0.1 :)p) KG lighter than last night! Not a massive amount but I was expecting to be heavier! Wonder how much lighter I'd be if I didn't have half a loaf of bread & half a tub of Nutella in my guts.

No point in stopping now IMO, your so close so might as well keep going!!

Thanks for the encouragement. Really does help. I can be extremely determined however I do have my off days and today was deffinatley one.
25 Sep 2006
I had been doing 2 minutes of Tabata after 18minutes of intervals on the rower. I need a break fro rowing hence the x-trainer.

Cheers Dun.

AM Weight: 81.2KG

So same as yesterday, can't complain after my binge!
25 Sep 2006
Fairly long session for my pull split today with 10 minutes cardio before and 20 minutes after.

Set a new PB on deadlift too. Not for total weight shifted, that still stands at 200KG@ 90KG.

192.5KG @ 81.2KG :)

Double Bodyweight + 30KG which I'm happy with. Tried for 195 got 2" and then began to stall so gave up as I didn't fancy burning out on the first exercise! everything from 150KG x 4 and singles from 160, 170 & 180KG felt good and strong. Hip drive was good and the weight flew up.

Feeling I need a reward so think I'm going to reward myself with some couscous and have a re-carb evening. If I don't break the 80KG barrier so be it I can't carry on feeling like complete ****, it's not fun nor healthy. If I don't break it this cut, hopefully the next.
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25 Sep 2006
Nice one Benny. :cool:

I agree I think you've proved to yourself you can do it, you're itching to pack on some size again, so maybe you should just do it? Maybe start next week? So give yourself a few more days of "torture" before you get back to it?

Yeah, I've proved I know what I need to do to cut both on the scales and in the mirror.

I've re-carbed :D bout half a box of cherios and then 200 grams of couscous with dinner.

'Itching' is an understatement! Monday is the day I planned to start the bulk. At 5pm I have the body fat test. Straight after some oats are going in as I'll start my workout straight away. I'll also start to load C-mono that evening. I'll have a week to familiarise myself with my new routine & also finish the loading phase then the fun begins :cool:

I make it harder for myself without meaning to. I'm really ready to go home for Easter as two long stints at uni this year have tired me out. The fact I've got my PT modules booked is also making me less focused when in the workshops as I'm not quite so bothered. I do still care but having been cutting and being low for energy once I get to the workshops I'm quite lethargic. All I can think about is either how hungry I am or that days training. It really constantly at the front of my mind! I'm ahead of schedule as it is which is probaly a good thing. Rest of the week should fly by as we have some meetings & tutorials to fill time. I also have my Level 3 Practical Assesment on Saturday too, so wish me luck :)

I need to beef back out so I don't look prepubescent when I'm sat next to you for our drinks :p
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25 Sep 2006
I've decided today is the last day of the cut. I'm off for my last HIIT session.

I would have liked to have stuck it out till Monday but just find it's a bit impractical. Lots of times today in the workshops where I got light headed today. I miss lifting like a nutjob and I'm sick to death of cardio/HIIT. I can get through the day but energy levels are effecting my work and I've also a practical sessesment this weekend I don't fancy muffing up.

I'm also fed up of being smaller than I'm used to!

9KG's is enough for me.

I might be able to have a b/f% test today, if not I'll still have it done on Monday anyway as I doubt it will have shifted much or at all.
25 Sep 2006
Unfortunatley I'm not at home so can't get photo's in the same place/lighting. I'm a bit concerned that loading creatine may bloat me or that I'll swell up with water :p

So here's a front shot from X-mas and then 2 front shots from the other day. I think I've 'popped' my lats in the front one but can't see them at that angle (they're not that small honnest :p)

You'll have to put up with the white I can't be bothered to crop it!




The lighting in my room makes me look a little 'flat' and also hides my upper chest deffinition. Hopefully you get the jist!
25 Sep 2006
Thanks :)

Feels good to prove to myself I know what I need to do to cut now. As this was my first ever and quite a long one at that. Probaly why it was quite tough. Think I'll be a fan of shorter stricter cuts!

Could see quite clear striations on the inner upper pec and also my shoulders on a back double bicep pose. Lots of clear seperation on all deltoid heads & pec when doing side raises the day before yesterday :cool:

I'm not too worried about the bloat per se. But just it covering up my hard work when I get some decent progress pics in a weeks time :p Got a bf% test on Friday :)

Planning on loading 6grams upon waking before breakfast, 6PWO or 1 hour after lunch on rest days and then 6grams before bed with my slow release shake.

Is it best to take it with breakfast? or seperate from food? Can't wait to go and train chest tomorrow and to actually have some energy and get some pump! Reason for 6grams is because its 2 5cc scoops which is nice and easy.

Typical as soon as I finish my cut my hunger pains die :rolleyes:
25 Sep 2006
Took this the other day now I'd started to re-load and fill back out nicely. Photo's don't really show up shoulder striations particulary well.

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