The future is actually here!

22 Jun 2005
I remember 10 years ago "they" used to say the internet will mean you can chat to your friends using it and that you will be able to shop online etc etc.

Well that is finally here!!! -- I never thought of it like that, also people used to say you will have a computer in your car which will tell you where to go - SatNav!!!!
jamoor said:
I remember 10 years ago "they" used to say the internet will mean you can chat to your friends using it and that you will be able to shop online etc etc.

Well that is finally here!!!
Soon, you'll be able to see people on a magic box which sits in your living room. I think it's called Wireless Telegraph Vision or something to that effect. Amazing.
Gazing in to my crystal ball I see a time when our electricity will come from sunlight and we'll be able to talk to anyone anywhere using a wireless communications device called a 'Mobie'. Strange days are coming.

Oh, yes and Robots will become super clever and destroy mankind for being inferior.
You have been warned.
Tbh I want my money back, where are the jetpacks, flying cars and moon people. :(

The future is just like the past was except everythings smaller. :(
You are right about the 1gb thing. But how could they have been so far out. I mean they had high resoltuion images I think and they could imagine the size of large images and guess at videos. I am sure the idea of a 3d video game had popped up. Imagine a game using videos and graphics as good as high res images and you could imagine it would be quite large. But then maybe they hadn't thought of this or thought it would be way in the future.
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