The Good ol' days

I remember trying to download the second Harry Potter film over Kazaa and being confused that the file name ended in .exe even though it was about 2gb :confused:

Lol, My friend did that with his PC for a giggle within 10 mins you could see the mouse flying around the screen then the old epaltic fit webpages none stop :) Even after wiping the harddrive he was paranoid about using it, Thats when HD was expensive so he flogged it on :)
The Huns Yellow Pages. :eek:
Was my fave aged about 15 :D

Started out on Lycos chatrooms, before Google was the only search engine. Then MSN messenger in secondary school with all the mods - multiple instances, appear offline but still chat, text logs... Think it was called Messenger+?

And the 1h59 call limit before having to redial. Tactically redialing at midnight so I didn't have to make a noisy reconnection while mum was asleep!

Also loved Newgrounds and wish this was still how the indie games scene was.
Great thread - reading through brings back some good memories :)

Some of my highlights:
  • I joined the internet in 1995 and was using it for IT research and chat rooms at the college I was at. I remember grabbing a hotmail e-mail account in early '96 and thinking it was amazing being able to message people in other countries and share files 'instantly'.
  • In 1996 I got my first PC and was a beta tester on Wireplay, when the only game it supported was the flight sim EF2000, then later I moved onto playing the RTS game Total Annihilation on WP and the MSN game network.
  • My first internet provider was AOL and like others, I remember phone bills being quite high :rolleyes:. Also spending way too much time on AOL chat rooms.
  • In 1999 I downloaded my first MP3 from Napster, and then watched the Music Rights issue take hold. But Napster was great for finding tracks that were difficult to obtain from the average high street.
  • In 2000 I upgraded my connection from 33.6k to BT ADSL and my ping went from around 300 to 50, meaning I could pretty much dominate Unreal Tournament matches, as most players were still on modems with high pings :D
People also used to link their Windows Media Player to MSN Messenger so that along with your "online status" it would say what song you were listening to. Yet another tool to make you look "cool" in the online world if you listened to all the latest tunes!

I ******* hated Papa Roach, didnt stop me from playing it to try and impress some older emo kids.. Should have just stuck to B*witched
The P2P programs were fine in and of themselves, but they were an early warning of what happens when programs designed by tech people get into the hands of non-techie people. Who would've thought "anna_nicole_smith_sex_tape.exe" was an untrustworthy file? :o

It's like giving a monkey a flamethrower.
My friend once tried the download the matrix from Kazaa but when he opened the file after it eventually downloaded it turned out to be midget porn. It took something silly like two days as well.
My friend once tried the download the matrix from Kazaa but when he opened the file after it eventually downloaded it turned out to be midget porn. It took something silly like two days as well.

Similar happened to someone I knew, he spent best part of a week downloading what he thought was the Resident Evil movie and got some nasty stuff featuring a woman and a horse.
Two words: Magical Trevor!

But my first real exposure to the internet was buying a new laptop for the company I worked for in around 1998 and, seeing that it came with an AOL disk and a PCMCIA modem, asking my boss if I could take it home in the evenings.

Wow, AOL...I rapidly became a regular in one of the chatrooms and was eventually approached to go through the volunteer training programme and become a chatroom host and message board moderator.

Although it all ended on a bit of a sour note some years later (I'm not going to go into details here) I had a heck of a ride doing that for a few years, met some amazing people both online and in real life, and it must have at least partly contributed to my eventual career change to being a software developer and then DBA.

Amazing times; thanks for raising the topic.
My friend once tried the download the matrix from Kazaa but when he opened the file after it eventually downloaded it turned out to be midget porn. It took something silly like two days as well.

I downloaded some film the mrs wanted to see and it took aaaages Sat down with her for a romantic film night, but it turned out to be a gay porno.

She wasn't happy with me.
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