Traditionally, Home Farm has reared Hereford cattle due to their quiet temperament and the quality of their meat. The farm keeps a small suckler herd of cows, which conceive and give birth naturally once a year. Calves run at their mothers’ feet until about eight months of age. Once the cattle are weaned, they are fed solely on grass and forage, grazing in clover-rich pastures all year round.This particular breed is slaughtered at no earlier than 26 months of age, which also ensures very flavoursome beef. The cattle travel to the local abattoir, only minutes away, ensuring a stress-free end of life.
Our beef is dry-aged (hung on the bone) for a minimum of four weeks. This is to ensure a very high level of tenderness. Hanging for this long, in this way, is a technique supermarkets simply cannot match. Attributes of our Hereford beef include high levels of marbling, giving that melt-in-the-mouth sensation, and an abundance of deep, rich flavours developed through a grass and forage diet. Our traditional cattle breed is slow-maturing and thrives on a natural grass and forage diet. Studies have shown that cattle reared in this way produce much higher levels of omega-3 and poly-unsaturated fats than when reared intensively. We therefore take pride in our beef being tasty, tender and fresh.The beef you order from field&flower has been carefully managed to ensure a low carbon footprint. The total distance from our farm to abattoir, and abattoir to butcher is only eight miles.