The Great British Countryside

10 Dec 2003
I haven't posted many pics here recently. I haven't really been taking a great deal of pics recently! Work, weather, etc getting in the way. Also I've been mucking around a bit with old film cameras. Anyway, here a few recent-ish landscapes I've done (all digital). First two are from Devon, last two are from Herts. The weather was a bit ropey at Devon when I went.





C & C welcome.


I love how the sea in number 2 has a rainbow effect, and number 4 is pretty epic, nice.

How enhanced are the colours in number 1? Is it just me or do they look a bit unnatural?
robertgilbert86 said:
I love how the sea in number 2 has a rainbow effect, and number 4 is pretty epic, nice.

How enhanced are the colours in number 1? Is it just me or do they look a bit unnatural?

They look fine to me.
Thanks very much for the comments :D

No HDR shots this time :) No. 1 was shot through a poloriser. What might look off is the earth, but believe it or not ploughed earth in the part of Devon was very orangey-red, strange ... must be high in something or other? The greenie sea was again from the polariser.

Cheers :)

Those are fantastic shots!!! but WTF! MY s9500 gets no where NEAR that quality... mine always come out a lot softer! Or maybe I just don't process them as well as you?! Orrrr maybe I don't use it as well as you! lol :(

Mohain can you email with your system setup that you used for these photos???!!?
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They are amazing!

I would love the last one as I wallpaper! would it be possible to have the orginal so I can crop it?

All 4 are top notch shots :)

I always struggle to make landscape scenes interesting. Seems you managed it in all 4 lol.

I guess i gotta try harder :D
1 and 4 are my favourites. 2 would've been up there with them if the sky wasn't so dreary, but that's hardly your fault!! :p

excellent composition and great colour. thanks for sharing :)
Excellent pictures, I like them all but expecially 1 and 4.

I had a bit of a play with number 2, hope you don't mind:


Not sure if it looks a bit fake... maybe somebody can have another play with it :p
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