The Great British Countryside

Mohain - could you possibly quickly say what editing you did (possibly with a pre-editing shot) because thats exactly the look I'm trying to get! (Just I don't know how...)

What camera settings did you use too? (I've got the same camera)

Wow! Thanks for all the great comments. I'm off out now, I'll respond with info requested later on this evening. Exif details are attached to all but the 2nd one for those that need it.

Thanks again :D
Number 4 for the win, every time - love the composition, looks like an island of trees! Great work on all fronts, keep it up :)
Mohain said:
Thanks very much for the comments :D

No HDR shots this time :) No. 1 was shot through a poloriser. What might look off is the earth, but believe it or not ploughed earth in the part of Devon was very orangey-red, strange ... must be high in something or other? The greenie sea was again from the polariser.

Cheers :)


yup- devon soil has a lot of iron in it...stains like a bar steward...
WS_TailGunner said:
yup- devon soil has a lot of iron in it...stains like a bar steward...

Thanks WS_TailGunner ;)

Sorry for the non-reply, I'm such a slacker :p

Hmmm, processing ... every shot's different. I process each photo as it's needed, I don't really have an overall work process. I'll try and give a quick run down (if I can remember) of each shot. All done in CS2:

1. Was a **** to process, I think this was the third go at it. Shadow/highligh tool, slight levels, curves (to bring out some shadow detail). USM contrat boost (settings something like 20, 30, 0) .. urm probably some dodging and burning... Think that's it. Resize, sharpen.

2. Was a dull day so made it warmer by chaning the white balance in ACR. I've got a Provia action set, set it to about 40% strength. Usual level, curves, dodging and burning untill I'm happy. Noise filter (forgot to change the ISO back down on this one), Resize, sharpen.

3. Very little done to this. Just shadow/highlight, small level and curve tweaks.

4. Processed two files from the RAW, one for highlights, one for the shadows, combined using a luminosity mask. Shadow/highlights, level and curve tweaks, USM contrast boost gag. Resize, selective sharpening. Actually looking at it again I think the trees shadows need to be a touch deeper.

Might have missed a few little bits off but that's the jist of it.

As for s9500 camera settings I now use for landscape type shots I tend to do the following:

Shoot RAW, I almost alway use a polariser outside unless I'm shooting into a light source, custom white balance from a grey card during normal daylight conditions (I leave it on auto all other times), set colour to 'Chrome' (menu accessed via 'f' button), ISO 80, F8, AP mode, when I shoot I try to 'expose to the right' as much as I can, checking the histogram and preview to make sure the highlights aren't burnt out, I use the exposure compensation slider whilst looking at the histogram in the viewfinder (I have the exposure comp set to 1 stop increments so I can go up to +/- 2 stops in AP mode, if that's not enough I will take some spot readings and shoot in manual mode and check previews). Most of the time (for landscapes again) I use a tripod with a timer even if the conditions allow me to handhold.

Think that's it.

titchard, I don't mind giving you a wallpaper but I'd rather not give away the full sized hi-res. Let me know what size you would like (email in trust).

Sorry for the lengthy reply :o

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