The great Evolution DSL experiment is over!

18 Oct 2002
Leamington Spa / Oxford
Well just thought i'd update everyone on my Evolution DSL experience.
And the result.. as many expected.. was **** poor. :p

It's been a week now with Newsgroup access at 0k/s.. They claim it's a technical fault, but my guess is they got flooded with high bandwidth users and pushed the panic button to close down NNTP traffic. But even with that in place download speeds haven't gone past 200k/s either, and the connection seems to drop a couple of times a day.
The tech support is non-existant, although when I emailed this morning to ask for a MAC code they got back pretty quickly. Didn't ask why I was leaving though.

So next up i'll be heading to Nildram. People are reporting excellent newsgroup speeds, and with a 1 month contract I can always swap again :D
On reflection is was worth the risk, but in future i'll play a bit more safe I think.
Cooper said:
Can i ask, roughly how you asked for your MAC code?....was it just straight out, no explanation or did you basically say 'your service sucks and i want out"..?

Because my 2nd payment is due on the 19th of May, and as it stands now, they aint getting another penny out of me, and i too think its best to move.

Well I haven't got the code yet..
I emailed yesterday to ask how soon I could get one, and they said it would take 2 working days.

So I emailed again this morning to ask for a MAC code asap. Will update you if/when I get one! :)
Nathan said:
You obviously do not use newsgroups :) Its plastered all over ag forums that access to them is pretty much 0 %. Its awful.

Exactly, some things are alright, but newsgroups are at 0... :mad:
Some more info from ADSLGuide.

There are apparently 3 people running the company, all under the age of 27.. They are completely uncontactable. No proper address to write to, no phone number, and no email response to any question that they can't be bothered to answer.
I've just received an email invoice for May's access, despite being told that if I wouldn't receive my next bill till May 11th.

The company is obviously an experiment for a few friends "in I.T.". They're out of their depth and going from ADSLGuide they won't have any users left in a couple of weeks. Assuming they give out MAC codes that is.
Personally i'm ringing up my credit card company to say I want a block put on anymore payments to Evolution, i'll then write to their made-up address and put it in writing. :mad:
Well i've just had an email saying I should get my MAC code in a couple of working days. Can't come soon enough! Then i'm off to Nildram.

The owner of Evolution has been on ADSL Guide trying to explain the terrible service. Get this:

8MBit/sec with (say) 5% overheads is about 970k/sec. Multiply that up 86400 (number of seconds in 24 hours) and I'd say 82GB. At 50:1 I'd expect a 50th share of this which works out at 1.6GB
So his belief is that since we're all on 50:1 contention, we can only expect to get full 8Mbit for 1/50th of the time, or around 1.6GB a day. Anything more than that is a bonus apparently.

If that's how the guy thinks ADSL contention works for everyone, then it explains a lot. :mad:
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