The Great Pyramid

dmpoole said:
Can I just add that Dr. Zahi Hawass has only recently accepted Bauvals theory of the pyramids looking like Orions belt

Pausing only to point out that Bauvals' idea of scientific method makes Erich von Daniken look like Howard Carter, there are two holes in the Orion's Belt theory as I understand it:

1) It only looks like Orion's Belt if you turn one or other upside down. Otherwise the change in direction goes the wrong way.

2) The reason why the three pyramids are built in the positions they are is because they are built on the only solid rock in the whole area, a narrow (relatively) ridge protruding up through the sand all around. That ridge isn't straight, but kinks in the middle. This meant that the last pyramid is simply as big as it was possible to build, and in the only place left.

Apart from that, a great theory.

Meridian is right on this. The whole basis of the great pyramids being a mirror of Orions belt is in fact inaccurate
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