The greatest video game antagonists?

25 Jan 2013
A pretty by the numbers question, but one that can certainly contain huge depth in it's answers.

For me, there is almost none better then Andrew Ryan from Bioshock.

He is one of the most principled antagonists in any storytelling medium, to the point where even his self imposed murder falls under the umbrella of his own philosophy. Completely single minded in his belief in 'meritocracy', and infinitely more dangerous as a result.

Who do you think is the best example?
Sephiroth will always be up there for me for causing great distress at the end of disc 1...

Aha, I have a feeling that's the same for most people...


The Lich King

"Are you afraid? What is it you fear? The end of your trivial existence...?"

Still one of the scariest moments in the history of video games. Couldn't sleep for a week after...
For me it has to be Kefka from FF6. First of all he is just evil because he enjoys it, he has no underlying reason apart from a love of chaos and destruction. Secondly, he actually succeeds in his plan. The majority of game antagonists ultimately fail in their plan, Kefka did it and was then subsequently defeated.
Kane (Command and Conquer, come on, who doesnt love this guy!?).
Sephiroth (Obvious reasons)
Ultimecia (Arguably the most evil plan of any bad guy ever)
Lich King
Dr Robotnik!

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GLaDOS was quite something

Kane from C&C is a great shout
Not sure about Sephiroth: he had an iconic moment, but it could have been any bad guy in his shoes and it would have been wrenching.
SHODAN definitely one of the better ones.

IIRC Diablo 1/2 had reasonably well done antagonists for the limitations of the games.

Knights of the Old Republic had a good twist on the antagonist as well.
Not really main antagonists, but the Crones in Witcher 3 were creepy as hell.

In any case I agree with all the others mentioned here.

To add to names already mentioned - Desann, Alma (FEAR) and The Illusive Man.
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