Someone from this list. I'm going to pick on the highlighted as he was too lazy to come up with an anonymous forum name or if he did he has the imagination of someone called Kevin
ElliorR, #Chri5#, 'Wes, -Ad-, 2StepSteve, 3dcandy, 555BUK, 5tephen, 5UB, 6thElement, a66as, aaronhowe, AccessDeni3d, aceface57, Adam, Ade74, adey, Admiral Huddy, Aeleys, aeT, AFK_Matrix, Ahleckz, ajones32, alex h, Alpherah, ALXAndy, Amidar, amigafan2003, Amnesia, analog, andalusi, ANDARIAL, Andelusion, andicole0, Andre, AndrewP, Andy Pandy, Andybtsn, AndyMoody, AndyT, Andyt_uk, angela, anjs, anticonscience, anything-but, Appleby, Apple_Fictor, aquous, Ardmanz, area512003, Armadillo, Arnie, arty, AshenShugar1873, ash_scotland88, AssaTM, Astro97, Atom, audric, Auraomega, Avathar77, axer, b1uepower, B@Th*nG, BaDBoY_uK, Bailey, Balb0wa, baldmonk, bam0, BAMBI, Baplad, BarBrawllin, BarKeep, Bat, Batf1nk, bayo000, BaZ87, Beerbaron, Belloni, BenjiSayers, BFCTom, Big Kev, Big.Wayne, Bigpig, bigredshark, Bigsy, BigT, Billy1280, bingham67, binksy, Bittermace, BlackBat, BlackCoat2k10, Blackhawk47, bledd., BloomerzUK, Bloomfield, blun, bluntslide, Bluntwrapped, BluSky, BluZiff, bmh.01, BoB3rt, bobert50, Bones, booyaka, Brabbinho, BriT, Brum Man, brummie, Bucket, Buckey, bulb66, Burnsy2023, C64, Caffrey, cainer, canman, Capn' $qu!ff, cart, casanova, casaubond, CasKirensys, Castiel, CAT-THE-FIFTH, cbr, Celestial Nostos, Chabsy, Chaos, Charliej, Che200, chief barker, cHk4, CHokKA, chris-82, chrisxuk, cjph, CK-Toni, ck88, clartymarty, Clipsey, Cliste, ColdAsIce, coolamasta, COOL^J, corkhead, Cornholio., cotton_flex, COYS, cp88, Cr0fty, craarc, CreAtiv3, creed, Cromulent, Crowort, Crowze, crusa, Cstark, Cuchulainn, Cuppa, Cupra, Cyanide, cyclops12, dacsf50, DAIR, Dakotacs, dale1uk, Damien., Dan2kx, Dan7, DanF, Dangerous Dave, danielanthony, danman2k, Dano, dansew123, danza, Darg, darren73, Datamonkey, Dauthi, daveski, david25, dazzerd, DB_SamX, DC5, deano, Deception, decmatt, decoy, Deep, Deepus, delpy8, Delvis, Demon, DennisColes, Derek W, derv, dfarrall, Dharok, DiCe!, Didzi, Diesel, Digitalle, djkav, djxput, DKong, Dkore-DeX, dlknight, dmsims, dmxdex2020, Doco, dod, doggo, doggs, doll, Dolmio Chips, domyboy, dottty27, Dougsnake, dowie, Downsy, dpbadger, Dr House, Draeger, Drake, Droolinggimp, drunkenmaster, dsb, Duff-Man, Dup, durbs, durnelln, Dyson, easyrider, edd1e, Eddietop, Edrof, edscdk, EdwardTeach, eekfek, Efour2, eggcup, Elevon, elrasho, Em3bbs, Emlyn_Dewar, encephalopathy, englands#1, englishpremier, enigma27, Entropy, Envoy, Ev0, Evilpaul, Evolve, Evoss, exia, eyetrip, Ezyryder, F2kSel, Faded, faisal_uk, Faztastic, feedtheram, Feek, feenster99, fendi, ferret face, Fezzer, fidget, fieldy, fifiov, Fiigmo, FiremanSam, Flibbles, fluffmct, FlyingPig, FNGsam, focus130, Fonz-Valo, fornowagain, Fourstar, Foxxy, foz2000, FrankJH, Frapple, Freddie1980, FrenchTart, frozennova, frying_pan_cat, fullspizz, funky_llama, G-Man, G-MAN2004, garriec, gatecrasherlok, Gaz1988, Gecco, geeman1979, gerbil80, GeX, GhostlyPea, Gibbo, Gilly, Gimpymoo, GinG, Ging3r, Glaucus, GoatBotherer, godinman, GraveYard, Greebo, greeny_fastcar, gregster, Grey M@a, grez, Griffo, griggssean, grimm, groen, Groovington, grudas, gt_junkie, gurdas, Guru, gurusan, Gypo, Haircut, Halfmad, hamesy, hanluc, hawky525, HecFam, helium, HeX, Hidden Hippo, hideki, Hitman_Leon, hobobob, hood1971, hoppyintheuk, Hostile17, Howard, howler, hudson, Hudzy, Hugest_UK, hurfdurf, Hurlbag, i5aces, IanAG, Ianm63, icyshore, Idartalis, ince, IndieSchmindie, Ironic Namesake, Itchytrigg, Izi, J.B, J.T, J1nxy, Jacob
, Jaffa_Far, JAMAL, jamoor, Jamy, Janesy B, Jano, Jas1222, Jas1975, JaWalks, Jay85, JayMax, Jayster, JBod, JCSlacker, JediFragger, JHeaton, Joe T, JoeRiches, joey1211, johnny sublime, Johno please?, johntmanic, johny dolan, Jonny69, JonnyT, Jono8, Jony27, JoshAFC, Journey, jp7152, K.C. Leblanc, k27, K@rl, KaHn, Kainz, KelDG, Kelt, Kerplunk, kerrgreg,
Kevin Clark, Keyboards'Fear, keysersoze, Khrest, kidkhaos, Killerkebab, King Arthur, King Damager, kitch9, kiteloopy, kkbigal, KnightStalker, Knubje, kona786, Kris1337, Lamo, LavaMonkey, lee1101, LiE, Liquid_Entity, littlepuppy, LM303, lomez, Longbow, Lord-Jaffa, LordSplodge, loudbob, LtMatt, LukasBB, m@rty, MADEinSTOKE, MadMossy, madteamkiller, Magic_x_uk, Magik5, Mak3R, ManCuBuS, Mangochutney, Manta21, Marine-RX179, Mark A, mark66, Marky, markyp23, martynpd, Marvt74, Matallica, mattbill, Matterez, Mattey1, matty114, mattyprice4004, maxilive, mbmbmb, McBain, mcwildcard, memyselfandi, Menty, Meths, Metro, MichaelHo, MickeyFinns, MikeHiow, MikGriff, mingey, miniyazz, minty, mk17, mmj_uk, MobyDick, molinari, MoNkeE, monkey_boy, MonkieMann, MOOGLEYS, MooMoo444, Moorron, Moothead2, Morpho, mortals, movingtables, Mr Krugga, mr tommo, Mr.Stu, Mr109, mrbios, MrLOL, Mr_Orange, Mr_White, Muffin`, Munkis, Murf, Musty Pie, muzzler, Myxo, N17, N19h7m4r3, Naffa, NarChaDBaueR, Nash, neil3k, nelviss, Nevakonaza, neverender, newbiejim, Nexus18, ng93, Nicodemonizer, Nightglow, Nimdok, NinetyOne, Nitefly, nkata, No1newts, nocturnal1974, Nocturne_sa, Nodiggidy123, nozz, ntemples1, Nursie, Nymins, Nyvo, Oblivion, oldbag, opethdisciple, OptimaLnrg, Orange Peel, Owenb, paddy, Panzerbjorn, paradigm, pastymuncher, pauljen296, PaulyD, PCDave, pcoltrane, Pdog, pduk, peige, Penance, pepp77, Personality+, Pestilence, peter, peterattheboro, peterwalkley, phatboy, Phate, phil675, Philz0r, Phoenix211, PianoBasher, Pighardia, pingwing, PlanetGong, Platinum Pete, Plunk13, Poodmund, Pookie Bear, Poolybit, PowerCandy, PR., prescott28, princejim, ps3ud0, psychodil, PsychomIKE, PsychoPigeon, Pudney, pull2808, Qhorin, r3d zombie, RabbiJacob, radderfire, Rainagul, RaMDOM, ramirez, Randell Floyd, Ranger, RationalGaze, Raymond Lin, Raziel1, Razor-BladE, RazrLite, Reaction, Reaper 392, RedDanDoc, Redz, RetroX, RevBillyG, rG-tom, Rich1988, Ricko, Ricoshea, Rids, Rikki, Ringiho, Rinoa231, RizlaKing, RIZZEE, RizZy, rjkoneill, rob77, Rob7865, Robbie G, Robbo, robfosters, robinbredin, robj20, roboffer, rogan, rogueblade, ronski, Ronty, rowedogg, rscosworth, ruffneck, rustynuts, Rusty_Noob, ryryryan, salami1212, Sam, SamG, Saviola, Saytan, schizo, scorza, scottmuir424, ScoTTyBEEE, Scougar, scratch, Seanoog, Semiskimmed, Semple, Setsuna, se_vietboi, Shadez, ShadowMan, Shamikebab, Shamrock, shauncr91, sherbut, Shimmyhill, shine, sHo0sH, shoes, shootersam, shorttricky, SHOTinTHEface86, Showboat, shuffle, Si., SideWinder, sigma, Siliconslave, SillyHeatsink, Simon114, simulatorman, sjcf1, sjt269, SkeeterUK, skuko, Skyline, Sleepless, Sleeve88, slips, Smitho3, smithy83, smyth, Snow-Munki, SoliD, sorethumbs, soundood, SoundsGood, SourChipmunk, southy1978, Southy_, spaceman, spain, Spammeh, Spawn, Spook187, Spuj1988, Spunkey, squarepusher, SQX_Barto, Stanners, ste2005, Steeps, stefk005, Stevek, Stevio, Stewy, StigBourne, Stinky, straxusii, Street, stuartw_b, stulid, sunny007, Swarfega, Sweeney, Sycho, sydeccles, syke, sypher365, taintedlove69, talkshowhost, Tas, taske, Tea_Bag, TehBluebear, Teledude, territt, TFleming, ThatAsianGuy, The $6m Dan, The Running Man, thebandit, thecremeegg, TheCSSDoctor, TheDean, thedinks, thefish, themadhaggis, thenewoc, thepigf@rmer, TheRealDeal, TheYoungster, The_Max_Sti, The__Malteser, Thomas. PLease., Thorper, Thumpsta, tigerstyle, Tinders, tipes, TJM, ToejaMz0r, Tom84, Tombles, tommybc, TommyV, TomO, Tomsk, tom_e, Tonester007, tonys, topher, toString, Trifid, tripitaka, trisonetwo, trixilux, Trofeo, True_Scotsman, Tummy, Tunney, Turbo-G, turboshed, TurnipHead, TwsT, Tysonator, uchuff, Ucof, Uhtred, UKDTweak, Undeterred, Uriel, uvarvu, V F, v0n, valve90210, Van Diemen, Vekiq, vian_siu, Vigoro, vincent1989, Vinnylupo, Vintage_Geek, Vipernet, ViRuS2k, vonex, Vonhelmet, voorhees1979, VTR, Vuvuzela, w11tho, w1lliam, Warbie, waspy88, Wayn0r, wbc1, webhound, welshdragon, Wild, wildest_jjk, Wilkotron, Will Gill, Windle, WiPPaH, Wiry, Wolfe777, wonko, wozza2k, WYNIR0, Wynthorpe, x-bomber, Xeanor, XeNoN89, yhack, Ysmalari, zenf1, Zhokel, Zuban, [Darkend]Viper, [RXP]Andy, [TW]Fox, [ZiiP]carrot, ^187, _lecro_, {{INX}}, ~Divine~Wind~