The Grumpiest forum Member

My vote goes to fox if we mean genuine black heartedness -He seems to be a very bitter person from what I read of his posts.

although in a more "light hearted" grumpy way, my vote goes to Tummy.
Fox isn't actually grumpy if you read more than just the occasional post of his. Other seem to live in some sort or paranoia-fueled state of mind.
Someone from this list. I'm going to pick on the highlighted as he was too lazy to come up with an anonymous forum name or if he did he has the imagination of someone called Kevin :p

ElliorR, #Chri5#, 'Wes, -Ad-, 2StepSteve, 3dcandy, 555BUK, 5tephen, 5UB, 6thElement, a66as, aaronhowe, AccessDeni3d, aceface57, Adam, Ade74, adey, Admiral Huddy, Aeleys, aeT, AFK_Matrix, Ahleckz, ajones32, alex h, Alpherah, ALXAndy, Amidar, amigafan2003, Amnesia, analog, andalusi, ANDARIAL, Andelusion, andicole0, Andre, AndrewP, Andy Pandy, Andybtsn, AndyMoody, AndyT, Andyt_uk, angela, anjs, anticonscience, anything-but, Appleby, Apple_Fictor, aquous, Ardmanz, area512003, Armadillo, Arnie, arty, AshenShugar1873, ash_scotland88, AssaTM, Astro97, Atom, audric, Auraomega, Avathar77, axer, b1uepower, B@Th*nG, BaDBoY_uK, Bailey, Balb0wa, baldmonk, bam0, BAMBI, Baplad, BarBrawllin, BarKeep, Bat, Batf1nk, bayo000, BaZ87, Beerbaron, Belloni, BenjiSayers, BFCTom, Big Kev, Big.Wayne, Bigpig, bigredshark, Bigsy, BigT, Billy1280, bingham67, binksy, Bittermace, BlackBat, BlackCoat2k10, Blackhawk47, bledd., BloomerzUK, Bloomfield, blun, bluntslide, Bluntwrapped, BluSky, BluZiff, bmh.01, BoB3rt, bobert50, Bones, booyaka, Brabbinho, BriT, Brum Man, brummie, Bucket, Buckey, bulb66, Burnsy2023, C64, Caffrey, cainer, canman, Capn' $qu!ff, cart, casanova, casaubond, CasKirensys, Castiel, CAT-THE-FIFTH, cbr, Celestial Nostos, Chabsy, Chaos, Charliej, Che200, chief barker, cHk4, CHokKA, chris-82, chrisxuk, cjph, CK-Toni, ck88, clartymarty, Clipsey, Cliste, ColdAsIce, coolamasta, COOL^J, corkhead, Cornholio., cotton_flex, COYS, cp88, Cr0fty, craarc, CreAtiv3, creed, Cromulent, Crowort, Crowze, crusa, Cstark, Cuchulainn, Cuppa, Cupra, Cyanide, cyclops12, dacsf50, DAIR, Dakotacs, dale1uk, Damien., Dan2kx, Dan7, DanF, Dangerous Dave, danielanthony, danman2k, Dano, dansew123, danza, Darg, darren73, Datamonkey, Dauthi, daveski, david25, dazzerd, DB_SamX, DC5, deano, Deception, decmatt, decoy, Deep, Deepus, delpy8, Delvis, Demon, DennisColes, Derek W, derv, dfarrall, Dharok, DiCe!, Didzi, Diesel, Digitalle, djkav, djxput, DKong, Dkore-DeX, dlknight, dmsims, dmxdex2020, Doco, dod, doggo, doggs, doll, Dolmio Chips, domyboy, dottty27, Dougsnake, dowie, Downsy, dpbadger, Dr House, Draeger, Drake, Droolinggimp, drunkenmaster, dsb, Duff-Man, Dup, durbs, durnelln, Dyson, easyrider, edd1e, Eddietop, Edrof, edscdk, EdwardTeach, eekfek, Efour2, eggcup, Elevon, elrasho, Em3bbs, Emlyn_Dewar, encephalopathy, englands#1, englishpremier, enigma27, Entropy, Envoy, Ev0, Evilpaul, Evolve, Evoss, exia, eyetrip, Ezyryder, F2kSel, Faded, faisal_uk, Faztastic, feedtheram, Feek, feenster99, fendi, ferret face, Fezzer, fidget, fieldy, fifiov, Fiigmo, FiremanSam, Flibbles, fluffmct, FlyingPig, FNGsam, focus130, Fonz-Valo, fornowagain, Fourstar, Foxxy, foz2000, FrankJH, Frapple, Freddie1980, FrenchTart, frozennova, frying_pan_cat, fullspizz, funky_llama, G-Man, G-MAN2004, garriec, gatecrasherlok, Gaz1988, Gecco, geeman1979, gerbil80, GeX, GhostlyPea, Gibbo, Gilly, Gimpymoo, GinG, Ging3r, Glaucus, GoatBotherer, godinman, GraveYard, Greebo, greeny_fastcar, gregster, Grey M@a, grez, Griffo, griggssean, grimm, groen, Groovington, grudas, gt_junkie, gurdas, Guru, gurusan, Gypo, Haircut, Halfmad, hamesy, hanluc, hawky525, HecFam, helium, HeX, Hidden Hippo, hideki, Hitman_Leon, hobobob, hood1971, hoppyintheuk, Hostile17, Howard, howler, hudson, Hudzy, Hugest_UK, hurfdurf, Hurlbag, i5aces, IanAG, Ianm63, icyshore, Idartalis, ince, IndieSchmindie, Ironic Namesake, Itchytrigg, Izi, J.B, J.T, J1nxy, Jacob (:, Jaffa_Far, JAMAL, jamoor, Jamy, Janesy B, Jano, Jas1222, Jas1975, JaWalks, Jay85, JayMax, Jayster, JBod, JCSlacker, JediFragger, JHeaton, Joe T, JoeRiches, joey1211, johnny sublime, Johno please?, johntmanic, johny dolan, Jonny69, JonnyT, Jono8, Jony27, JoshAFC, Journey, jp7152, K.C. Leblanc, k27, K@rl, KaHn, Kainz, KelDG, Kelt, Kerplunk, kerrgreg, Kevin Clark, Keyboards'Fear, keysersoze, Khrest, kidkhaos, Killerkebab, King Arthur, King Damager, kitch9, kiteloopy, kkbigal, KnightStalker, Knubje, kona786, Kris1337, Lamo, LavaMonkey, lee1101, LiE, Liquid_Entity, littlepuppy, LM303, lomez, Longbow, Lord-Jaffa, LordSplodge, loudbob, LtMatt, LukasBB, m@rty, MADEinSTOKE, MadMossy, madteamkiller, Magic_x_uk, Magik5, Mak3R, ManCuBuS, Mangochutney, Manta21, Marine-RX179, Mark A, mark66, Marky, markyp23, martynpd, Marvt74, Matallica, mattbill, Matterez, Mattey1, matty114, mattyprice4004, maxilive, mbmbmb, McBain, mcwildcard, memyselfandi, Menty, Meths, Metro, MichaelHo, MickeyFinns, MikeHiow, MikGriff, mingey, miniyazz, minty, mk17, mmj_uk, MobyDick, molinari, MoNkeE, monkey_boy, MonkieMann, MOOGLEYS, MooMoo444, Moorron, Moothead2, Morpho, mortals, movingtables, Mr Krugga, mr tommo, Mr.Stu, Mr109, mrbios, MrLOL, Mr_Orange, Mr_White, Muffin`, Munkis, Murf, Musty Pie, muzzler, Myxo, N17, N19h7m4r3, Naffa, NarChaDBaueR, Nash, neil3k, nelviss, Nevakonaza, neverender, newbiejim, Nexus18, ng93, Nicodemonizer, Nightglow, Nimdok, NinetyOne, Nitefly, nkata, No1newts, nocturnal1974, Nocturne_sa, Nodiggidy123, nozz, ntemples1, Nursie, Nymins, Nyvo, Oblivion, oldbag, opethdisciple, OptimaLnrg, Orange Peel, Owenb, paddy, Panzerbjorn, paradigm, pastymuncher, pauljen296, PaulyD, PCDave, pcoltrane, Pdog, pduk, peige, Penance, pepp77, Personality+, Pestilence, peter, peterattheboro, peterwalkley, phatboy, Phate, phil675, Philz0r, Phoenix211, PianoBasher, Pighardia, pingwing, PlanetGong, Platinum Pete, Plunk13, Poodmund, Pookie Bear, Poolybit, PowerCandy, PR., prescott28, princejim, ps3ud0, psychodil, PsychomIKE, PsychoPigeon, Pudney, pull2808, Qhorin, r3d zombie, RabbiJacob, radderfire, Rainagul, RaMDOM, ramirez, Randell Floyd, Ranger, RationalGaze, Raymond Lin, Raziel1, Razor-BladE, RazrLite, Reaction, Reaper 392, RedDanDoc, Redz, RetroX, RevBillyG, rG-tom, Rich1988, Ricko, Ricoshea, Rids, Rikki, Ringiho, Rinoa231, RizlaKing, RIZZEE, RizZy, rjkoneill, rob77, Rob7865, Robbie G, Robbo, robfosters, robinbredin, robj20, roboffer, rogan, rogueblade, ronski, Ronty, rowedogg, rscosworth, ruffneck, rustynuts, Rusty_Noob, ryryryan, salami1212, Sam, SamG, Saviola, Saytan, schizo, scorza, scottmuir424, ScoTTyBEEE, Scougar, scratch, Seanoog, Semiskimmed, Semple, Setsuna, se_vietboi, Shadez, ShadowMan, Shamikebab, Shamrock, shauncr91, sherbut, Shimmyhill, shine, sHo0sH, shoes, shootersam, shorttricky, SHOTinTHEface86, Showboat, shuffle, Si., SideWinder, sigma, Siliconslave, SillyHeatsink, Simon114, simulatorman, sjcf1, sjt269, SkeeterUK, skuko, Skyline, Sleepless, Sleeve88, slips, Smitho3, smithy83, smyth, Snow-Munki, SoliD, sorethumbs, soundood, SoundsGood, SourChipmunk, southy1978, Southy_, spaceman, spain, Spammeh, Spawn, Spook187, Spuj1988, Spunkey, squarepusher, SQX_Barto, Stanners, ste2005, Steeps, stefk005, Stevek, Stevio, Stewy, StigBourne, Stinky, straxusii, Street, stuartw_b, stulid, sunny007, Swarfega, Sweeney, Sycho, sydeccles, syke, sypher365, taintedlove69, talkshowhost, Tas, taske, Tea_Bag, TehBluebear, Teledude, territt, TFleming, ThatAsianGuy, The $6m Dan, The Running Man, thebandit, thecremeegg, TheCSSDoctor, TheDean, thedinks, thefish, themadhaggis, thenewoc, thepigf@rmer, TheRealDeal, TheYoungster, The_Max_Sti, The__Malteser, Thomas. PLease., Thorper, Thumpsta, tigerstyle, Tinders, tipes, TJM, ToejaMz0r, Tom84, Tombles, tommybc, TommyV, TomO, Tomsk, tom_e, Tonester007, tonys, topher, toString, Trifid, tripitaka, trisonetwo, trixilux, Trofeo, True_Scotsman, Tummy, Tunney, Turbo-G, turboshed, TurnipHead, TwsT, Tysonator, uchuff, Ucof, Uhtred, UKDTweak, Undeterred, Uriel, uvarvu, V F, v0n, valve90210, Van Diemen, Vekiq, vian_siu, Vigoro, vincent1989, Vinnylupo, Vintage_Geek, Vipernet, ViRuS2k, vonex, Vonhelmet, voorhees1979, VTR, Vuvuzela, w11tho, w1lliam, Warbie, waspy88, Wayn0r, wbc1, webhound, welshdragon, Wild, wildest_jjk, Wilkotron, Will Gill, Windle, WiPPaH, Wiry, Wolfe777, wonko, wozza2k, WYNIR0, Wynthorpe, x-bomber, Xeanor, XeNoN89, yhack, Ysmalari, zenf1, Zhokel, Zuban, [Darkend]Viper, [RXP]Andy, [TW]Fox, [ZiiP]carrot, ^187, _lecro_, {{INX}}, ~Divine~Wind~
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If you think Robbo is the grumpiest forum member you don't understand him :p

A number of members have grumpy posts, doesn't make them grumpy human beings. Fox has his moments admittedly, but is hardly grumpy....

I'm quite grumpy at the moment.. but it's not a mood that stays xD

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