***The High-Res Screenshot Thread!***

The Witcher

FarCry2 is a huge improvement over the original FarCry. The enemy AI, lighting effects and how the bushes bend over as you step on them. Curious how much improvement was done in FC3?
From a technical perspective, the jump to Far Cry 3 is pretty immense in terms of fidelity. The lighting is a lot better, the foliage is far more dense and better modeled, water shaders look a whole lot better, gun and character models were improved a lot, draw distances are even more impressive, etc. Just in general, everything *looks* a whole lot nicer.

But a number of cutbacks were made with regards to physics. There are a LOT less physics-based objects, meaning explosions and interactions dont really affect everything in the same way that they did in FC2(so no, most bushes do not fold over as you go over them anymore). The other big one is the fire propagation was dramatically reduced, which was pretty darn disappointing given how ground-breaking and fun it was in FC2.

Far Cry 3 in general became a lot more 'game-y' and turned away from the gritty, minimalist and unique presentation and design choices that FC2 had, leaving FC2 as sort of this very individual and original title in the franchise.

And, just so I'm contributing to screenshot posting:

Battlefield 1

The other big one is the fire propagation was dramatically reduced, which was pretty darn disappointing given how ground-breaking and fun it was in FC2.

Well thats too bad about that then. I was shocked and surprised to see the fire physics in FC2. Being able to use fire as a weapon is interesting. Starting a grass-fire with the enemy hiding behind their vehicle. Creating a primary explosion of that vehicle and accidentally catching your own vehicle on fire :eek:
Quake - Something Wicked This Way Comes.

An insane amount of monsters and secrets to unearth here. A truly great collection of SP maps.










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Early doors but it's intense so far...Atmosphere is great and the audio is fantastic, needs to be played with headphones. I suspect it's one of those games where if you enjoy primarily story driven games you'll like it but it probably won't be everyones cup of tea. It's not heavy on the action so far (no idea if that changes) which is ironic given it's a ninja theory game.
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