I’ll still watch. I often really enjoy films that have been panned by critics. It’s all down to individual preference really.
Just had a read of the Guardian review - What a joke!
This is a film with a strong Right vs Wrong message about moral courage, taking responsibility for your actions, doing the right thing by not being at Bad Person and showing what happens if, back in the 1930's (which The Guardian helpfully forgets as it moralises based on today's culture), you ARE a Bad Person. So of course the Guardian hate it, just look at this line from the review -
"The final scene squeezes in a gesture of mild disdain for the press, in case the whiff of Maga in the air wasn’t yet detectable."
It's a film about 1930's gangsters who murdered people being tracked down and killed by 1930's Cops, yet the Guardian can only see this film through a "Trump Lens" throughout the film, what a joke!