So new LOTR’s film!!
As much as I would love a genuine, LotR faithful fleshed out story, I just fear this wil be a Rings of Power style, generic film with a Gollum skin on it.Just a hunch, but I suspect they'll find Gollum right at the bottom of the barrel.
Not convinced there is a particularly interesting story in this bit they're trying to get a film out of.
This exactly, all we know is that Gandalf and Aragorn (both of whom are unlikely to have the original actors come back) searched long for him, and it was implied not always together and all we know is this took part before the time the Hobbits left the Shire to Imladris. Unless I'm reading this very literally as in it's set in a different time other than Gollum losing the ring in the riddle and heading to Mordor where he's captured and questioned by Sauron and then taken from the Dead Marshes by Aragorn.As much as I would love a genuine, LotR faithful fleshed out story, I just fear this wil be a Rings of Power style, generic film with a Gollum skin on it.
There is no source material for this really, so I have massive fears for it, even if Serkis is back and Jackson involved.
I share yours fears somewhat though when it comes to fleshing things out then Jackson seems to be the past master. I look at what he did with The Hobbit and King Kong and hope he can sprinkle a bit of that on this project.As much as I would love a genuine, LotR faithful fleshed out story, I just fear this wil be a Rings of Power style, generic film with a Gollum skin on it.
There is no source material for this really, so I have massive fears for it, even if Serkis is back and Jackson involved.
Definitely not one of the more interesting bits on paper but a lot they could do with it. I'm tentatively interested.
I would have liked to see The Silmarillion done but probably just because the title itself sounds great to me. Turning into a single-ish narrative driven story is probably too much though.
Silmarillion is impossible to turn into a film. They could do a story out of it though (like Fall of Gondolin) Would require the Tolkien Estate letting them use it though
Silmarillion is impossible to turn into a film.
Why? I've never read it