The Hunt for Gollum

People using the Hobbit films in defense of Rings of poop is amusing.

Nobody has done this. Likewise, how good The Hobbit films are has nothing to do with how good Rings of Power is. Everyone is free to dislike RoP.

I brought up The Hobbit because there is an ongoing sentiment that LotR was suddenly made terrible by RoP. My actual point was that The Hobbit films, which were the latest material released by the team very closely aligned with the amazing LotR trilogy (i.e. the same director, same actors), were dog poop (in part because they largely retread ‘old ground’)… except for the dragon, which was pretty ace :cool:

The franchise has been handled terribly before and, personally, I don’t have confidence that retreading it again is going to add much.
The hobbit films were garbage because they tried to string out a single shortish book into 3 films and positioned it as a weird pseudo children’s set of films.

Well, that and they were gererally badly executed at almost every turn.

RoP was just garbage and managed to hit a lot of the pitfalls of modern TV.

I think many of us just ignore the fact the hobbit films were ever made due to their unsavoury association with the fantastic originals. I still struggle to understand how they went so wrong with so many of the right people.

I doubt this will be great but I do love Serkis in almost everything.
Saw the plot on another forum
The Gollum video game was such a financial success, they decided to go all in

Can’t wait for the gut wrenching wokeh activist story about a poor hobbitstinian, who is chased from his home and land, brutally tortured and eventually murdered by settler colonial orcs and their leader, Elder of Ziovalar, Pipi Sauronetanyahu, who wants middle earth because Eruyahweh promised it to his chose colonialists!!! What a tragic story! If only they let innocent Gollum be free in his land with his precious! From the Anduin river to the Nurnen sea, Mordorstine will be free!
If only the poor hobbitstinian Gollum made different choices throughout key events in his life, all this suffering could have been avoided :rolleyes:

Sounds intriguing, swap the ring for a religious book though.

just need a jar jar binks trilogy and my life will feel complete
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The hobbit trilogy have moments of excellence in each of them, they are largely 'ok'. Where as amazon's rop is the 'writers' taking a steaming **** on Tolkien and his writing.

Anyway, looks as if this is the 1st of the new movies in the deal that wb/newline struck with the embracer group a little over a year ago. Hopefully they've learnt their lessons.
I liked the Hobbit. RoP in the other hand is just a mess in every aspect. It’s so bad I forgot it existed until clicking on this thread.
Rings of Power was produced by a completely different set of people and a completely different studio. It doesn't really have anything to do with this.

Not sure how I feel about an ever greater raking through Tolkien's work for morsels to base fan fiction films off and after the wasted disaster of The Hobbit trilogy, I'm really not very hopeful about this: it's not like Jackson's involvement was enough to make that good. But, hey, maybe they'll learn from the mistakes of The Hobbit and produce something amazing.
We really don't need a 3 hour movie about finding gollum :p In fact, knowing Hollywood, they'll string it out to a trilogy.

Please just leave the lord of the rings franchise alone now. The hobbit and rings of power have tarnished Tolkien's legacy enough already.
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Sounds like quite a few of the original actors are going to be back, dunno if that means some de-aging effects used - though a few other actor's names banded about for some of the parts so maybe will be using a mixture of actors in some way i.e. using the original actor for retrospective framing and then a different actor for the actual earlier bits.
There is no source material for this really, so I have massive fears for it, even if Serkis is back and Jackson involved.

Jackson was behind The Hobbit trilogy and that was laughable cack imo, I'm sure many will disagree but it was an arrogant mess. The Hobbit is a short book, one movie would have been ample, perhaps two, turning it into a trilogy and adding all of the things they did was insulting.

I absolutely expect the Gollum stuff to be more of the same tbh, and I certainly wont be making a point of seeing it.
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Jackson was behind The Hobbit trilogy and that was laughable cack imo, I'm sure many will disagree but it was an arrogant mess. The Hobbit is a short book, one movie would have been ample, perhaps two, turning it into a trilogy and adding all of the things they did was insulting.

I absolutely expect the Gollum stuff to be more of the same tbh, and I certainly wont be making a point of seeing it.

Totally agree with this.
Very low expectations, no desire to see more Gollum centred stories. So much to go at and they pick this?

More hopeful for this though, than that "War of thne Rohirrim" animated movie which just looks like another girl bossy "dreaming of being the leader she knows she can be" story.

This doesn't sound like positive news:

A few days after Ian McKellen expressed interest in returning as Gandalf in Peter Jackson’s new live-action “Lord of the Rings” movies, his co-star Orlando Bloom is adding his name to the list.

When asked by Variety if he was interested in returning to the Tolkien franchise, the Legolas actor said, “Oh, man, those things are amazing. Yeah. I don’t know how they’d do it. I guess with AI you can do anything these days. But, if Pete [Peter Jackson] says jump, I say, ‘how high?’ I mean, he started my whole career.”

I really don’t know what [they are planning],” Bloom added. “I did speak to Andy [Serkis] and he did say they were thinking about how to do things. I was like, ‘How would that even work?’ And he was like, ‘Well, AI!’ and I was like, ‘Oh, OK!’ It was a pretty magical time in my life, and it’s one of those things where there’s not a downside to it.”

It's all very well using AI to make the actors look like they haven't aged, but it's still not flawless and the whole thing just seems like a bad idea.
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Depends how it's done, would have thought you would get away with makeup and lightning for Ian McKellen but depending how prominent the other guys are you'd potentially run into trouble. Although there are plenty of movies around with them as their younger selves to use.
I don't have high hopes for it but I pray it at least doesn't have the same 'look' at RoP, I genuinely can't stand it. It looks like a LOTR knock off despite it's insane budget.
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