I don't think you realise how bad the NHS is getting, the clinical staff of the ground are doing the best they can, but it's a mess.
This not being able to get hold of anyone is effectively triage, they don't have the time more resources to treat the number of patients they have.
Its like any company that is struggling and its 10x worse as its a publicly run company.
They have staffing shortages everywhere, the staff that are there are being overworked which is causing more issues with burnout and sickness. Its a public company so attracts far too many lazy so and sos who know their rights and that they are almost impossible to sack.
The burden on the NHS in general is higher than ever and the populations health is declining all the time due to lifestyle choices that we refuse to actually address properly. It will all be different in a decade I reckon.
The NHS needs to recruit heavily, bring people in from abroad, sort out the obesity crisis and modernise and centralise the whole thing. Its never going to happen.