The interview session thread!

What did you want to be when you grew up, and did you ever achieve it?

Was school the happiest time of your life?

What superpower would you have, and would you use it for good or evil?
loopylou said:
What did you want to be when you grew up, and did you ever achieve it?

Always wanted to get into engineering, never new which branch (all though always loved space). But did a week with British aerospace whilst at school and hated it. Did computing at uni and soon realised I should have stuck with my original plan. Now trying to get into engineering and getting retrained.

loopylou said:
Was school the happiest time of your life?

I didn't really enjoy school. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. I just kind of breezed though it with no real achievements. However University was the best time of my life. I had a lot of fun and met some friends that I will never lose contact with.

loopylou said:
What superpower would you have, and would you use it for good or evil?

Mind control - I would use it for good and evil. But mainly to benefit man kind. But Probably killing a lot of people who don't fit in. Like murders, rapists and of course are lovley extremists.
loopylou said:
I'm up for some questions

If you could go to any time in histories past, where and when would you go and why?

What would indicate that you have fulfilled you desires in life, be it monetary or family ect. ?

If you suddenly become the PM of England, what would be the first 5 things you would change/ implement?
AcidHell2 said:
If you could go to any time in histories past, where and when would you go and why?

I would go back to when my mum's dad was alive (he died when she as 12), no one seems to know much about him as he wasn't a chatter. I would want to know as much as I could about him

What would indicate that you have fulfilled you desires in life, be it monetary or family ect. ?

I hope I never fulfill them, what is there to live for or achieve once you have got to that point?

If you suddenly become the PM of England, what would be the first 5 things you would change/ implement?

Harsher sentancing for drink drivers.
Stricter controls on people who abuse kids and old people.
Get rid of top up fees.
Free child care for working families.
Bouncy castle friday!
[DOD]Asprilla said:
Your wish is my command:

1) What are your career goals?

2) Where, in the UK, would you like to live and why?

3) Who do you admire?

1. I'm currently at college doing 4 A2 levels so I firstly hope to get good grades in these, then next year and maybe another year after, I will go for any work I can find while I mentally and physically prepare myself for joining the armed forces and fight for my country. Within two years (short term) I aspire to be a Royal Marine Commando or an Army infantry soldier, marines are tough but I'm up for the challenge. I will stay in the armed forces for 4 or 5 years and then leave with the intention of becoming my life long dream job, a police officer preferably armed police or a beat cop, not traffic. I hope that with my interpersonal skills, qualifications and experience in the armed forces that will be a reality. I am also self employed currently running a small business as a partnership with my friend which is a nice little hobby/earner and aim to invest all of the money I earn while away in the armed forces when I get back in business and become a succesful entrepeneur.

2. Midlands :) I really like where I live now, Birmingham, good compromise between north and south however being Midlands I am about as far away from a beach as possible in all four directions, so somewhere like Southend on Sea would be nice to live, got friends who live down there, close to London, on the coast and nice area.

3. Cheryl Tweedys breasts.
RandomTom said:

1, how did you get into your current business?

2, do you have plans to expand into dealing with 'celebrities'?

3, outside of latex, whats your biggest enjoyment out of life?

1. I used to hang out a lot in alt. London clubs and camden in the late 90's and I discovered latex fashion and never turned back.

2. I have dealt with one or two 'celebrities' in the past although to expand into that I would need to move and right now, the benefits to moving aren't worth having to stomach LA. It would need to be more movie/media work to get me to move. For now though I need my sanctury away from the glamour crap.

3. One of my biggest enjoyments is coming home to england, oh, and I like sushi :)
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