The Invisible Man (2020)

I was reading with great entertainment the FB comments on this news story. Thing is, round here cinema tickets are well over £15 each so if you're renting for two of you it's still way cheaper. Plus taking into account travel cost, snacks etc. I'd imagine in most areas of the country cinema tickets are still hitting £10+ so I dunno, get some friends? lol...
Where they charge about £8 a ticket to show it on a huge high tech screen with awesome surround sound.
So if you're renting for two it's exactly the same price :)

People on these forums: "Oh cinemas suck I'd rather pay a premium to watch it on my 60" telly with Atmos surrounds with no teenagers on their phones talking in front of me"

Also people on these forums: "£15 what a rip, it's hardly the same as watching in the cinema, with the big screen etc. No way I'm paying that"

I thought it was great. Well acted, suspenseful, well shot and nice to see an interesting take on one of the classic horror characters.
Was pretty decent I thought. Some good suspense and kept you watching. Elizabeth Moss was good, despite playing her usual victim character. A few gaping plot holes, but worth a watch all the same.
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