"The Kitten Killer of Hangzhou"

30 Sep 2005
Someone posted this news article in another forum, I have not even seen the pictures but there is links floating about, The internet takes a new low.

China's media have launched a nationwide hunt for a glamorously dressed woman who has been photographed apparently crushing a kitten to death with her stiletto heels.

In one video the woman lovingly cuddles a kitten and places it one the ground where she continues to caress it. What follows is her stepping on the kitten repeatedly with her stiletto heeled shoes while the animal cries out. Initially, this is not done to kill it but rather appears to be done it induce pain. Further into the video, her heels sink trough the kitten’s side, mouth and eye. She also uses the soles of her shoes to crush its hind feet, neck and skull..

The location that the videos and images were taken has been identified as a picturesque city south-west of Shanghai, Hangzhou. This city was also identified from the websites on which the material was originally posted. In further attempts to identify the woman, some reporters have posted the material to a number of websites, hoping to gather more information.

Attention was further focused on China as the source of the material when an internet stumbled across a 37-year-old woman from Hubei province with the internet name "Gainmas". She had reportedly registered a website in Hangzhou and bought a pair of stilettos on eBay last year. She had also registered with a popular Chinese messaging service and wrote, "I furiously crush everything to do with you and me." When questioned by a reporter, she defended herself by saying, "Suddenly hundreds of people are on my QQ and cursing me. What's the problem if I crush cats? It's a type of experience. You wouldn't understand."

No Chinese laws are in place to prevent cruelty to animals. The outrage at this incident has brought hope to a Chinese representative of the International Fund for Animal Welfare who told the Telegraph, "We are still trying to confirm who it is in the pictures and where it is, " he said. "The embarrassing thing is that there are no available laws in China governing this type of misbehaviour. We are trying to draft an open letter to the authorities asking for the possibility of creating an animal welfare law."

:mad: :mad: :mad:
So you can publish films of yourself crushing cats in China but if you want to look up government santioned crushing of students with tanks then thats not allowed?

Odd :confused:

I'm calling shennanigans.

Partly because all of the stories link back to the Telegraph article, but mostly because if it's a hoax, it's not as grim.
I've seen that before and was disgusted by it. However in this day and age, i wasn't shocked.
It's not a hoax, I came across this video last week. I viewed the first ten or so seconds then turned it off in sheer disgust and anger.
Borris said:
I'm calling shennanigans.

Partly because all of the stories link back to the Telegraph article, but mostly because if it's a hoax, it's not as grim.

Nah man it's real...
Saw the stills and saw a link to the video (I didn't wanna watch)

They know who the woman is and she's missing now... The camera man worked for a local TV station too :/

Yeah, i've seen this. It was one of those 'I wish I didn't click that link' times.

ALthough I do wonder is China are really shocked or if they're just pretending to be.
Vanilla said:
ALthough I do wonder is China are really shocked or if they're just pretending to be.

I would hope they are, and they introduce some animal cruelty laws, but somehow i am doubtful.
That is a real real messed up video. :(, i've seen lots of nasty things on the internet, but that's right up there :(.
I always think of my cat when I see cruelty, want to hug him now :S

Cant stand people who do this, like someone said its no shock but its sick. People think because its an animal it doesnt feel pain or makes it ok, how wrong they can be. Id like to see her stamped to death though ^^
A5H said:
Nah man it's real...
Saw the stills and saw a link to the video (I didn't wanna watch)

They know who the woman is and she's missing now... The camera man worked for a local TV station too :/

Missing? Good. Hopefully someone done the same thing to her as she did to that poor animal and then done away with her. Evil piece of ****. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
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