The last game you completed, and rating (Console Edition)

5 Dec 2008
I have stolen this from PC area as I thought get same thread going in here.

I'd still request people put spoiler tags in use, as not every one finishes games at same time.

Most recent two I finished on PS4 where Borderlands 3 and Jedi Fallen order.

Fallen Order gets 8/10

I loved it, very pretty combat was brilliant. I just wish it had more meaningful collectables and side story. I hope that gets expanded in the sequel along with force powers.

Borderlands 3 7/10

I did enjoy this and most the characters were a lot of fun, main villians though we're not as good as previous games

PS4 also had slow down at times which were frequent enough to annoy me. Still a ton of fun though
Mario Odyssey - 10

Value for money is insane if you go for completion.
Levels range from super easy to very challenging.

You can reach the end game pretty easily so offers good playthrough for kids but also good challenge for adults. 60+ hours of gameplay if going for completion
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Days Gone - 7/10
Solid story, nice and open world, but some missions did feel a little repetitive. Some fantastic "danger moments" with hordes.
Days Gone - 7/10
Solid story, nice and open world, but some missions did feel a little repetitive. Some fantastic "danger moments" with hordes.

I started this recently but went on back burner due to last of us 2 coming out.

TLOU Part2 - 9/10 from me, but you can go check those threads :p

Think I need to get Jedi Fallen Order next, should be cheap by now?

I'm avoiding the threads till I finish it! In regards to fallen order I picked it up for £30 couple weeks back. That was cheap enough for me
Uncharted 4 for the second time. Amazing all round. Loved the characters, story, graphics and stunning environments and scenery. Gun play is a lot meatier then the first 3 games. 9/10.

Currently also playing TLoU2. About 30% through. Only playing at weekends. Amazing so far.
Uncharted 4 for the second time. Amazing all round. Loved the characters, story, graphics and stunning environments and scenery. Gun play is a lot meatier then the first 3 games. 9/10.

Currently also playing TLoU2. About 30% through. Only playing at weekends. Amazing so far.
Probably both GoTG for me. :D uncharted 4 will look glorious in 60fps (If they patch it) on ps5.
Assassins Creed Origins - loved the game and all the exploring. Story wise cant remember a huge amount of detail as came back to it in May after not playing it since Dec 2017.

It turns out I have the season pass too so they will be next for me.
The Last Guardian - PS4


Got a bit repetitive towards the end, but they did an amazing job with Trico, he really felt alive and made you care about him, enjoyed the story, will start Shadow of the Collosus soon.
The Last Guardian - PS4


Got a bit repetitive towards the end, but they did an amazing job with Trico, he really felt alive and made you care about him, enjoyed the story, will start Shadow of the Collosus soon.

It's a wonderful game. I loved the environments and the puzzles. And Trico too he's amazing. I loved how it ended but yeah it was pretty long. I didn't mind too much as it was all pretty compelling stuff.

I have Shadow of the Colossus too - not played it yet.
TLOU Part 2. 8/10.

Few issues with the story compared to the first game, but this is 5 years later and people change. Overall I enjoyed myself for those 25hours.
Doom Eternal 8.5/10.

The movement and gun play are brilliant and when it all clicks it's one of the best shooters I've played.

Half a point off because I can't Ng+ on a higher difficulty without having to unlock everything again.
Coming up to last hour but feel I can least leave a brief review

Pokémon Sword


I'm enjoying this partly due to well the Pokémon themselves but it's let down in quite a few ways. Let's go Pikachu was a better game too imo.

Pokémon Sword should have done so much more considering its first entry into what is a proper consol for there main stream series.

The graphics, yes there nice for what they are but they could have done better.

Why in this franchise we still don't have voice work is baffling.

This version the rival hop is just dam annoying, team yell? Team bore, No silly plot by then like team rocket etc.

As above near end at around 19 hours in and it's nearly finished, seems short compared to other pokemon games.

It plays as if it's acting like it's still on the traditional hand held.
Coming up to last hour but feel I can least leave a brief review

Pokémon Sword


I'm enjoying this partly due to well the Pokémon themselves but it's let down in quite a few ways. Let's go Pikachu was a better game too imo.

Pokémon Sword should have done so much more considering its first entry into what is a proper consol for there main stream series.

The graphics, yes there nice for what they are but they could have done better.

Why in this franchise we still don't have voice work is baffling.

This version the rival hop is just dam annoying, team yell? Team bore, No silly plot by then like team rocket etc.

As above near end at around 19 hours in and it's nearly finished, seems short compared to other pokemon games.

It plays as if it's acting like it's still on the traditional hand held.
I’ve decided that the best thing about Pokemon is the concept. Every game is the same and it’s really quite dull when so little strategy is required.

Sun and Moon was absolutely horrible with the cutscenes - absolutely atrocious, trite dialogue stretched out beyond belief. They need to put some actual human drama in there, not the same shallow guff.
The Last of Us 2 - 9.5/10. The only thing stopping this being a solid 10 was a few pacing/character issues and some OTT scenes. It's still comfotably my favourite game of this generation.
Shadow of the tomb raider 6/10

Gorgeous game, but it felt a bit tired, the rise of the tomb raider felt better / fresher to play.

Storyline was weird. But working through my ps now backlog!
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