Co. Aytch, by Sam R. Watkins.
An autobiography of a private soldier who served in “Maury’s Grays” 1st. Tennessee Regiment, Confederate States Army, during the War of Northern Aggression 1861-1865.
It was very interesting, but I’d term it a page turner because Mr. Watkins began to write it around the 1880s, and the author’s style was such that you felt that you had to try and keep up, as what was happening in some battles wasn’t easy to follow, so I couldn’t wait to see where Company Aytch would march to next.
Of the 120 men who enlisted in Company H in 1861, Sam Watkins was one of only 7 alive when General Joseph E. Johnston’s Army of Tennessee surrendered to General Sherman in April 1865 in North Carolina.
Of the 3200 men who fought in the First Tennessee, only 65 were left to be paroled that day.