The Lovely Helen - My first portrait shoot

13 Jan 2004
South East
A girl I used to get on the school bus with 9+ years ago asked me via Facebook recently to take some photos of her. Seeing as she is incredibly hot and a lovely person (yes I am now in love with her as we had an AWESOME evening together) I thought it was a perfect opportunity to get my first portrait shoot out of the way.

I made a few mistakes during the shoot which has resulted in a few areas out of focus, but it was all very much a learning experience for both of us.

Feedback very much appreciated, as harsh as you like :)









Hair on the left was out of focus so I tried a crop:

This one was a bit of a laugh, just a joke pout she did. I like it, but that is probably because I fancy the pants off her.

What are your thoughts?


I also processed a few more in the style of the no. 7 as I had some really positive comments about it.


- A 24" Softbox which I bought for £44 off a guy from Flickr (including bracket)
- 430EX Flash powered at either 1/2 or 1/2 (varied throughout shots)
- Some shots I had a 1/4 CTO filter on with a DIY filter holder, but this fell off at some point into the softbox and I couldn't be bothered to get it out
- Manfrotto Nano Lightstand

All pictures lit with softbox camera right about 3 feet from the model.
Nothing like showing a girl your lens to let her know your feelings :D

Love the lighting but I'm not sure on the Sepia. Her face does look a bit orange around the edges on my work monitors but overall, tres bien.

Thanks mate.

Does it look orange on all of the sepia images? Or is there one in particular?

I just want to know so I can go back and see if there is something I have changed which may have caused this. Saying that, on my monitor at work they look fine, but if I move them onto the other screen (laptop) they look pretty dull and crap :p
really nice set there, excellent lighting and eye contact, some are spoilt by poor backgrounds, 1,5 and 8.
i like the poses and expression in most, she seems like a fun character.

3,4 and 11 work best for me, she's very pretty.
great work.

Thanks famas.

Yeah the backgrounds are a bit of a let down. The sea was behind me so I have no idea what I was thinking!!
I can't believe no-one has asked yet...does she know you fancy the pants off her? If not, what are you going to do about it?

Invite her out for dinner after your next shoot IMHO :)

Well we have been chatting loads for the past couple of weeks. She has been emailing me lots whilst at work as well and I think she does know I am keen. She has been a little flirty and suggestive as well.

The one problem, she is only 5 weeks out of a 6 year relationship = possibility of me being the rebound guy. This wouldn't normally be a problem but I do really like her and would hope it was more than that :(

I am seeing her again on Sunday though, not for photos, just to spend time together :)

Wait, this is GD right?
Pics or i call bs

Oh wait :D

HAHA!! I see what you did there.

Good luck mate, if you don't rush into it, but make your feeling clear then there is no reason you are the rebound guy. :)

Cheers dude.

Now this must be new for OcUK? A photography/relationship thread :D

No no we have pics - but now apparently the next required step is a loaf of bread on her head. Oh the heady heights of GD maturity ;) LOL

Well if the weather is nice we might be having a picnic so this is a possibility. Now, how do I explain why I need that photo without looking like a retard?
He's got a point, and one that wont make the OP look like a plank and make her run for the hills.

If she asks just show her this thread. :D

I think if she ever saw this thread I could say bye bye to anything.

To be honest, I'm not getting my hopes up. 6 years with someone is going to take a long time to get over, and I am rubbish at being patient. :p
Well I may as well post an update ;)

Awesome day. Took her for a nice walk up to a windmill, had a lovely pub lunch, came back to mine for a bit and chilled out in the garden, then went to Beachy Head and watched the sun go down for a couple of hours, and I got a nice kiss from her :)

check you out mr smooth :)
that sounds nice, all the blokes here are saying to themselves "must try harder" or maybe just me :)
hope things work out for ya buddy.

Thanks mate.
I did feel like a bit of a smooth operator. She made the first move so I must have done something right :p
We are going to do another shoot in the next couple of weeks. I have a few ideas of what and where to go but nothing really planned yet.

So there is more to come. Should be much better as well as we are much more comfortable with each other so hopefully will both be more relaxed and confident with it all :)

Very nice pictures, very attractive, lovely name.... I like number 3 and 6 personally..

Thanks mate :)

Have you boned her yet?


haha. No comment.
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please tell me you didn't just quote all those pics again? :rolleyes:

I expect people are probably a bit bored of them now :p

As I said above, I will have some new ones soon :)

Some ideas I have are lovely sunny flowery field with her in a summery dress running around going "Oh God isn't life wonderful" - Typical catalogue style shot!

Spooky glamour style shots in a derelict mental asylum

Or more beach shots, but less of the head and shoulders and more full body shots.
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