The Matrix 4

Please don't

And definitely please don't get the Wachowski's involved as you know the film will just be full of LGBT propaganda and in your face pointless gay sex scenes tha
Well... by the time of the reboot it will be a 20 year old movie. With very nineties wooden male lead, and quite unlikely by today's standards female lead. Surely everyone can see how it would benefit the story if one of the Hemsworth brothers was casted as Neo and some busty siliconlipped Scarmegan Foxhansson played Trinity, right? Wouldn't expect anything else from Hollywood.
Loved the first one and liked the sequels.

Reloaded grew on me the more I watched it, and TBH IMO its a good film.

Revolutions though is just watchable.

Would I watch a reboot? Of course.

Is it needed? No
I'm not averse to the idea, but it probably needs a repartitioning and a full format rather than a reboot.
I think part of what made the first movie so good was we didn't know what to expect, it was all new. We will go into the reboot knowing about how the world isn't real etc etc and this will instantly diminish the impact of the story.
I think part of what made the first movie so good was we didn't know what to expect, it was all new. We will go into the reboot knowing about how the world isn't real etc etc and this will instantly diminish the impact of the story.

Plot twist, the machine world is also an illusion, the real one is actually Lizard people!
The trouble for The Matrix is that the world has changed so much. It was of its time.

The Matrix was born into a relatively friendly post-cold war world and a dot-com bubbling, millenium-bug-fearing zeitgeist. A couple of years later, 9/11 happened and suddenly we had something real to fear again.

Is still a great film, but I don't think it can have the relevance or reach it once did. A Morpheus origin story might be good though :)
Why on earth reboot the matrix? The film is perfect as it is and the effects still look great.

There is no way a new version of this film will improve on the existing one.

Just another example of hollywood milking the cash cow. They have run out of ideas big time.
They can never improve on some of the iconic scenes of the original. The Neo v Morph dojo fight, lobby shootout, Neo v Smith subway fight, first bullet time dodge and Neo becoming the one.
They could do something based on the Animatrix stories. (A MUST watch for any Matrix fan btw)

A film based on the 'Second Renaissance' which covers the events leading to the machine war and ultimately the enslavement of mankind into the matrix.
The first was stunning but i think the next two relied too much on effects which were jaw dropping in the original yet overused by the time the sequel came and over ambitious effects which didn't quite look clean or right.

Would be interested in what they would be able to do with a big budget with more modern special effects
I would much rather rewatch Reloaded than the original. The who you can't die because I love you ending is so bad. Third was underwhelming though.
Apparently, the guy who has been hired to write this revival or reboot, whatever you want to call it, has been on Twitter saying he has no plans to do a reboot and no plans to recast Neo. He wants to explore other material within the Matrix universe. Sounds like a much better idea than rebooting it; that's assuming of course he gets to do what he was hired for, and this doesn't just end up as a reboot because that's what the money men want. We all know what Hollywood is like with the suits sticking their oar in.
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