The Members You Miss?

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I miss a number of people, names that come to mind include

P for Popsie (a really old name - i haven't seen him post for about 4 years).
L Plate

There are probably a load more if I spent any time thinking about it :)
A random name said:
Isn't Harley around here still or something?

Nope, the mods have previously confirmed that Harley has not been back or had a name change.

I occasionally miss seeing posts by GTA and Alphanumeric, demonic seemed quite funny on occaisions and I'm sure there are a few more that I can't remember right now.

//edit yeah I think Alphanumeric was permabanned for letting someone else post on his account, possibly other things as well.
Yewen said:
And JodieG, was thinking a few days ago what happened to her, she was one of the people who could just make you think that there are nice people on the internet.
She's a lovely person :) Used to chat to her on msn a bit.
GTA and **Natasha** were really funny - I might even call them kindred spirits, if that's not being too presumptous of me.

Harley now posts as Sequoia, don't he? (Only yolking!)

And Alphanumeric had another account as Omicron for a while, but that was banned too.
Sequoia said:

Anyone feel like helping me out in a lynching? I've spotted a suitable tree. ;):D

I was deliberately not mentioning names and how hacked off you got about this but a lynching is going a bit far, tar and feather sounds about the right level if only Arcade Fire wouldn't enjoy it ;)
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