The moment has arrived.... Freefaller waxes chest for charity!!! COME ON FOLKS,LESS THAN £40 NEEDED

£2000 broken! :D:D:D
Well done BB and FF.
Genuinely best of luck with the marathon BB.
Ungenuinely (did I just make a word up?) best of luck with the waxing FF. ;)
Thanks guys. Seriously though, fantastic help from you to get as much raised for this great charity. :)

I'm not looking forward to it, but heck it's for a good cause. :)
had my left nut waxed about 6 years ago when i was hammered for a laugh at mates house! lets say its something i couldn't even watch being done again let alone done on my chest lol!
Congrats, very well done. you happy with the time? I'm sure you're more than happy just finishing. But most people have a target as well.
Thanks guys!!! Fortunately I have today off as its my birthday - leggies are VERY achey!!!


Thanks to everyone for their support! It was an amazing day! :)

BB x
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