The mute button fell off my 3g!

15 Jul 2006
1.96 to OcUK on foot
Any one else having a problem with build quality on the iphone?

Admittedly O2 took it in on a warranty repair so I'm back to my trusty Nokia 6230 that never goes wrong.

Still feel like I'm missing an arm tho.

(they reckon a 7 day turn around!)
Agreed - the first thing that struck me about my 3G having owned the original one was that the entire build felt a lot cheaper. Not a big deal but a bit disappointing.
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You should've went straight to the Apple Store if you have one local. They'd have replaced it there and then, no arguments. Brilliant service.
sadly no apple store in Stoke, or even close by. the best we have is a mcc but they don't do the phones :(

still at least they agreed to sort it out and didn't charge me.

IMO i agree the 2g was built better than the 3g but i suppose they had to skimp somewhere to make it affordable.

i still keep reaching for my pocket to check something on the net..... doh
That button/switch is the weakest part of the 3G and very prone to breaking off. The bugger is glued on poorly for crying out loud. I've examined mine under a 200x microscope at work and there are fractures all around it, with the glue clearly visible.
mine is fairly loose, easy to switch it over to silent and have done so on many occasion!

Plus my Home button is fudged!

Debating if Apple will take it off me for repair/replacement?

I'll take it back and see what they say!
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I'm a busy man.... i don't have time for jollies to the trafford centre,

(more to the point i can't afford to take my wife as i tend to come back with enough stuff to open my own shop!)

I was surprised they agreed to send mine away to be glued back together... another + for O2 i suppose. (still never had to argue with them)

edit: and no MCC don't do iphones
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Ok mate just though all Apple store would have iPhones in but never mind as long as your getting it sorted :)

Know what you mean taking the wife always comes back hand full wallet empty
10 out of 10 to apple and O2,

I have just received a replacement phone, brand new and doesn't crash all the time and the applications actually update on it!

That was a good way of getting rid of my scratched one too, i'll look after this one better!
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