The my 360s DVD Drive has just given in thread :(

11 Aug 2005
Been playing blue dragon, and drive has been making some funny noises,

Now 20 hours into the game, I get the first dreaded 'disk is unreadable, please clean error' despite the DVD not having a single scratch on it :eek:

Now its giving me the same error every half an hour or so :(

Is there a way of fixing this at all? It seems either the DVD drive is dying,... or its just dirty? 360 is out of warentee but its not been opened so I doubt MS will do anything?
Mines out of normal warentee but still in the 3 years warentee, is there any chance of blagging them to repair it? Or will they instantly say no?

I have no clue on how to take a 360 apart, and most likely will balls it up, sooner have someone do it for me, but prices seem quite astromonical :(?
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