I hear where you're coming from, I really do - but both myself and the Mrs really cannot see it getting any better tbh - we clearly didn't do our research with this place, and went with hearts over heads - I mean; the thing that sold it to us was a bloody suite at the top of the house! We never gave a second thought to having a busy residential road out the front, being in another terrace and having the faff of getting from drive/garage (at the rear) into the home with a newborn, and the fact that for the majority of the year, we probably wouldn't use any of the rooms on the first floor.
Not to mention that a recent change of neighbours, has highlighted how bad the place is built - paper thin walls (all of which have a plasterboard layer), and the front windows let so much noise in, I have checked more than once to see if the Wife left them open!
I appreciate that making such a huge decision so soon, is rash to say the least - but from a financial aspect, we will be fine - if house prices go up, then all the better (as we'll get stamp duty this time!!); and it may take us many moths to sell it anyway - but we have had so many discussions about it, we literally feel that the house isn't right for us - and see no point in wasting a year+ hoping something might just click.
First world problems eh!