Yep definitely prepared for the worst (long wait) but the lady we are buying from has already found the place she wants which apparently has no chain and we of course have nowhere to sell etc.Good news. As you're probably aware, follow the brain and ignore your heart. Some get a clean and quick move, others here like myself spend half a year going from pillar to post. I was FTB also xD
If you have the time it's worth going through some mortgage sites to see how much you can save going for X or Y, then you'll know if the broker is worth it.
Yeah ive done a fair few comparisons, spoke to 5/6 brokers via estate agents and they are all around the same to be honest. The broker I am going with is a friend of a friend and he doesn't charge any fees or anything and as hes a mate i dont mind giving him some business.
I believe the property the current vendor is moving onto is no chain so should be a one-two punch hah, hopefully.Try and get an idea where everyone in your chain is positioned from the estate agent or something. Bigger chain = more complicated, although technically it shouldn't really be.