Just had a gutting result. Had our house on the market for about 2 months, and right from when we put it on I saw a property I liked. We'd been looking at our buying area for ages and not seen anything that fit, but this ticked almost every box, and ticked it well.
I managed to convince the agent to let me look without an offer on ours, and liked upon viewing, expressed that I really liked it and would be in touch as soon as we were proceedable.
Had a decent number of viewings and a couple that felt close to an offer but no cigar as of a week or so ago, but I decided to contact the agent of the house I liked, just to see if they had any offers, and to re-express my interest. No offers on that, so I said fingers crossed we can help out with that after the weekend coming up (as in last weekend) as we had 2 second viewings.
Lo and behold, Monday we get some bids in and accept an offer mid-afternoon. At which point I get straight on the blower to the forward agent to see if we can come and see it again (as my wife hadn't seen it by that point), and they'd accepted an offer literally the day before. This bidder first viewed the property after I did, and so due to our interest shown, she said we could come and view but our offer would need to be in excess of X. I said OK, that might be doable based on wife's opinion, we'll be there tomorrow. 2 hour drive away, no issue.
Viewed it, agent said I'll be in touch in the morning for your offer. I decided to go decently punchy and went x+5k. Come the next morning, I hear back saying it's going to best and final offers between the two of us. I learn that the other bidder hasn't rebid at this point, and shouldn't know what our offer was. I increase ours to x+7.6k, which I didn't want to do really, but in the absence of any other viable properties, I was keen.
As buyers, us and the other bidder were basically identical. First time buyers on each of our properties, and healthy LTVs all around.
In the end, we lost despite bidding what the agent said was around 1-2k more than the others, solely because they had had their offer accepted first, and the sellers didn't want to do them over without good reason. Sort of funny that they did them over to the tune of probably 10k by inviting our offer and then asking for best and finals, apparently money wasn't the factor and yet there we are.
Just a rant really, don't know if I should feel hard done by to submit a better offer and still lose despite being just as good a buyer, or just unlucky we didn't managed to get an offer in earlier, in which case we would have got it and for cheaper. The latter I suppose.
I managed to convince the agent to let me look without an offer on ours, and liked upon viewing, expressed that I really liked it and would be in touch as soon as we were proceedable.
Had a decent number of viewings and a couple that felt close to an offer but no cigar as of a week or so ago, but I decided to contact the agent of the house I liked, just to see if they had any offers, and to re-express my interest. No offers on that, so I said fingers crossed we can help out with that after the weekend coming up (as in last weekend) as we had 2 second viewings.
Lo and behold, Monday we get some bids in and accept an offer mid-afternoon. At which point I get straight on the blower to the forward agent to see if we can come and see it again (as my wife hadn't seen it by that point), and they'd accepted an offer literally the day before. This bidder first viewed the property after I did, and so due to our interest shown, she said we could come and view but our offer would need to be in excess of X. I said OK, that might be doable based on wife's opinion, we'll be there tomorrow. 2 hour drive away, no issue.
Viewed it, agent said I'll be in touch in the morning for your offer. I decided to go decently punchy and went x+5k. Come the next morning, I hear back saying it's going to best and final offers between the two of us. I learn that the other bidder hasn't rebid at this point, and shouldn't know what our offer was. I increase ours to x+7.6k, which I didn't want to do really, but in the absence of any other viable properties, I was keen.
As buyers, us and the other bidder were basically identical. First time buyers on each of our properties, and healthy LTVs all around.
In the end, we lost despite bidding what the agent said was around 1-2k more than the others, solely because they had had their offer accepted first, and the sellers didn't want to do them over without good reason. Sort of funny that they did them over to the tune of probably 10k by inviting our offer and then asking for best and finals, apparently money wasn't the factor and yet there we are.
Just a rant really, don't know if I should feel hard done by to submit a better offer and still lose despite being just as good a buyer, or just unlucky we didn't managed to get an offer in earlier, in which case we would have got it and for cheaper. The latter I suppose.