The nervous wait to exchange....

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It was a mistake, these things can happen from time to time. It wasn't intentional. The risk of anything happening is pretty minimal. So if you want the solicitors to continue to help you, I probably wouldn't raise hell.
Exactly this, make it clear you are not happy then move on in light hearted way.
Thanks guys, totally agree with the sentiments above. Just sent an email to the original admin person we spoke to (not the numpty who sent it to the wrong email!), basically to confirm what has happened (+paper trail in case), say the stress it has caused but also remain positive about continuing to work with them (and get it done before end June!).

Are these really the people we have to pay our deposit to? lol :o
Thanks guys, totally agree with the sentiments above. Just sent an email to the original admin person we spoke to (not the numpty who sent it to the wrong email!), basically to confirm what has happened (+paper trail in case), say the stress it has caused but also remain positive about continuing to work with them (and get it done before end June!).

Are these really the people we have to pay our deposit to? lol :o

send 1p to them first to confirm correct details :cry:
Are these really the people we have to pay our deposit to? lol :o

A friend of mine left their entire mortgage application pack (names, addresses, passport photocopies, bank details, etc.) on a busy London bus once... and thing came of it in the end, so I reckon you're safe.

I would prepare yourselves for ****-ups along the way. Our solicitor used an older mortgage application after we applied again for a larger loan and they had subsequently miscalculated everything from that point on. Two hours before the transaction was about to close I got an email from them (not even a call) saying that we had to find an extra £11k to cover the shortfall... morons.
When we applied for our mortgage, we wanted to borrow 80k and put down 240k cash. Well the morons got it the wrong way round and gave us a mortgage for 240k! Took them some time to fix that balls up.
Well I'm absolutely shell shocked. :mad: We wrote a very fair email back to the original contact as I posted above. We did say how happy we were with them so far (as inexperienced FTBs) and how we'd like to continue, but thought as a gesture of good will they could give us the wills free of charge (c £300). They've emailed us back and said they no longer wish to act on our behalf, said nonsense about 'demands' etc. :mad: I'm ****ing fuming. This actually came through as we were going through our mortgage application on the phone with Nationwide. Absolute ****ers :mad: They're mental if they think this was the best course to take.. the mind boggles. Our email was extremely fair, we accepted human error happens, there were no demands, it was extremely reserved and put forward as 'this has caused us unnecessary stress, but let's get on with it and move forward'. FFS :mad:
LOL, ask for their DPO to contact you regarding the loss of your personal data and at what point it was logged with the ICO? They'll end up with a hoop jumping investigating and taking up some senior managers time for not simply giving you the service (which will be worth way less than £300 to them) for free.
How are self employed people here managing with mortgages? Who are you using etc? Any of you claimed the SEISS grants and applying for mortgages etc? I'm self employed and have been since 2002 and currently looking as a first time buyer.
How are self employed people here managing with mortgages? Who are you using etc? Any of you claimed the SEISS grants and applying for mortgages etc? I'm self employed and have been since 2002 and currently looking as a first time buyer.
When self employed I used a broker, they always seemed to find lenders who were willing. Be aware that some of the big name banks won't lend to self employed - I know from personal experience Nationwide are extremely picky about it.
Went to view this place yesterday:

There's a LOT of work to do, extensions we'd like to make so weighing up if it's worth the price. We've literally just finished our house so deciding if we want another headache to spend the next few years on :p
Wholly moly that's a whopper house! And not too far from my new place (stratford).. Not that I could ever afford it :cry:
Wouldn't that land alone would be worth at least twice the price of the house to a developer etc?
It has an uplift clause on the land - 50% over 30 years to make that option less attractive.

It's actually a smaller square footage that our current house - MUCH less open but the land does provide some interesting options for the future.
It has an uplift clause on the land - 50% over 30 years to make that option less attractive.

It's actually a smaller square footage that our current house - MUCH less open but the land does provide some interesting options for the future.
I really wish I'd have bought into the property market in my early twenties as I'd probably be in something similar now. Instead my priorities at the time was drinking and womanising!
I really wish I'd have bought into the property market in my early twenties as I'd probably be in something similar now. Instead my priorities at the time was drinking and womanising!
Yeah we got really lucky TBH. Saved a load in my teens for a deposit on a flat in my early twenties. Luckily I was never that popular at parties so my money went into property :p
LOL, ask for their DPO to contact you regarding the loss of your personal data and at what point it was logged with the ICO? They'll end up with a hoop jumping investigating and taking up some senior managers time for not simply giving you the service (which will be worth way less than £300 to them) for free.
We will absolutely be taking them to the cleaners on this, but seen as we're now left with 8-9 weeks to complete (before the stamp duty holiday ends) we are going to park that in our minds for now and not get distracted. We do already have new solicitors on board which fingers crossed seem decent, proactive and communicative so far so we just want to get this done in time before even replying to the original solicitors.

With that said, does anyone know what sort of timeframe we need to make our complaints within for GDPR etc? I will read the solicitor's own complaints procedure.. I had a quick look here where it says;
We will not usually investigate concerns where there has been an undue delay in bringing it to our attention. You should raise your concerns with us within three months of your last meaningful contact with the organisation concerned.
Had my mortgage offer through today. Solicitor apparently has everything lined up so now just a case of withdrawing my LISA, exchanging and getting a completion date. Hopefully the chain all goes through smoothly.
Had my mortgage offer through today. Solicitor apparently has everything lined up so now just a case of withdrawing my LISA, exchanging and getting a completion date. Hopefully the chain all goes through smoothly.
I hope you got your LISA forms in early. Skipton wanted 30 days notice :o
been looking into properties again

so ive managed to find out what income i need, didn't realize it was quite easy to find out, so going by what banks would lend me, how do people get on the property ladder when im not earning enough ? and ive been with my job for 15 years, and i still cant get enough
i wish i saved all that money now :(
All reports done, paperwork signed and returned to solicitors. It should arrive on Monday so hopefully all done and dusted and collect the keys by the end of that week. Or am I being overly optomistic? No chains either side and property is empty.
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