Mortgage :800ppm
Council tax: 160 (960)
Electricity+gas: 160 (1120)
Water: 20 (1140)
Food: 300 (1440)
Student loan: 250 (1690)
Pension:300 (1990)
Car costs: 100-200 (2190)
Other costs (broad band etc): 100 (2300ish)
My concern is the mortgage. If that jumps to 5 percent it will be more difficult. It won't be difficult compared to some() but that savings pot for holidays / general. Savings etc will not be as full.
For every 1 percent increase in mortgage rates that 100ppm of cost extra. It's such a concern I'm considering paying early repayment fee (2k ish) and refixing for 5 years.
So it's not difficulty it's more it will impact I suppose.
Student loan is about to Change to about (70ppm?) but partner has only had 1 month on that wage (was 21k) so it isn't quite as high as it seems.
Is your pension not salary sacrifice? Or are those AVC's?
Your student loans are rather high too (44k - 19,884 threshold = 24,116 over threshold. 9% of that is 2,170.44 which gives a monthly repayment of £180.87, or 180/181 as they round).