Just had searches back in the last few days for a house we're buying... all clear except environmental.
Cue a few hours Googling only to find the house (and those around it) are all built on one of the biggest historical land fill sites in the north west. So that explains the odd vents all around the place that the seller "couldn't explain" (methane release). Not in itself a deal breaker though you'd think, except the house was built in 1998, whereas all of the others in the area were late 80s. I always thought this was odd, but have finally found the reason. The one we were going to buy, and 23 others around it, all had houses on their plots built in the late 80s, but due to huge problems with subsidence caused by land fill based movement and insufficient foundation piles, were all demolished by their original builder and rebuilt...
Of course the current ones have been up since 1998 now and there are no signs of problems, but there's just no way we could go ahead knowing all of that. If it's a problem for us, it'll be a problem for any future buyer too.
I really hate the process in England of buyer beware. Anywhere else this sort of search would have been carried out by the seller and presented to the buyer as a pack, we would have made an informed decision and not made an offer in the first place. As it happens our solicitor was very slow getting these back to us and so we have spent over a grand on the other searches/solicitors fees and a survey (which highlighted none of this even though it took me less than half an hour with Google and the phone to pick up recent problems with subsidence on the site) and wasted the best part of a month and a half.
Really not happy at all, loved the house...
Still, one to be aware of, try and get your "cheaper" searches done as early on as possible and delay the expensive stuff until you're sure (even if your mortgage provider pushes for a quick date like ours did).
Back to the drawing board...