The new animated image thread

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Man of Honour
9 Jan 2007
7 Feb 2010
three storey landing

What makes this possible/easy: Doing a backflip is a great way to spot your landing and control how you land. If you're trained in gymnastics or circus arts, this is actually better for your joints than landing forwards.

Think about how he absorbs the weight. He starts with his feet/legs obviously, because they can take a ton of impact. He starts to roll to his back, because it can also take weight, and if you avoid putting too much pressure right on the tailbone, it won't send a shock down your spinal column. The force would dissipate over your back as you get up the vertebrae. The lightest impact would be on the upper vertebrae, using his hands to take the last bit of pressure instead of his skull.

Now if he had tried to face forward, this wouldn't have been as easy. Doing a backflip already gives his body some rotational momentum. Forwards, he has to use his legs to push, even when they're already under immense strain from the landing. Then he would have had to put pressure on his hands, which could easily cause fractures in his wrist or forearm (seen it happen too many times) then put pressure right on the top of his spinal column. This is a terrible order of events.

Source: Reddit chap with 10 years of gymnastics, very limited understanding of physics and biology
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