The new animated image thread

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Just one of the many reasons I love The Last Of Us, the intricate attention to detail, look at this one scene where the foliage is moving with the wind, butterflies are flying around, dust particles are flying around and the Horse has individually twitching ears :D

Yup it is running on PS3 and at 720P. PS3 has lots of potential still.

It looks really nice and relatively jaggy free as well as it's scaling up on a 27" 1440P monitor. One of the best console gaming experiences to date. The DLC is out tomorrow, cannot wait :)
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Never really got into Last of Us. I played it for about 2 hours and then never went back. Just seems too linear and "meh". I'll pick it up again someday as clearly it is a good game, i'm just not feeling it for some reason.
The mission path is fairly linear /but/ you have a lot of places to explore and you don't have to take one path throughout most of the game as you can take side routes to get to the objective and you may discover items of use on the way. The best part is the dialogue and characters though, they're all pretty personable and have their own little things they do.

The only thing that lets it down at times for me is that the enemy soldier AI is a bit naff at times whereas the infected AI is very good. I threw a grenade in front of a guy and his mate didn't even hear it and would only come fight me once I was within his line of sight...

Stick with it, 2 hours is still early days :)
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