The new animated image thread

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The girl on the right was trying to do her own Kanye moment and not give her the award. She kinda holds onto it and doesn't let go, but it's really awkward.

Err... not at all. The "girl on the right" is Olivia Munn (one of the two hot Olivia's, Olivia Wilde being the other) so two seconds of Youtube skillz later:

*drops mike*


That is possibly one of those most bizarre things I have read on OCUK this year :confused:

Well I'm no Olivia Munn expert. I know she got famous for licking a PSP and she's on the Newsroom, which I have even watched and thought she was hot. I looked at this thread before it was even asked who it was in the gif, and I would not have said Olivia. Maybe she gained or lost weight, maybe it's the make up or hair style.
Recorded this earlier today on my phone, 120fps "slow motion" mode, speed up 200% otherwise the gif was a bit too big :o

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