The New Cases Gallery

sorry been busy
lian li v2100 plus

will take some better ones soon when i get some time
It's a real Aeron, a Bill Stumpf anniversary model to be precise, comes as standard with all the toys, it wasn't exactly cheap but as far as i'm concerned it's worth every penny, makes extended gaming sessions a joy. If you look closely at the ones in the link you'll notice they're showing two versions...the cheap one with the different back mechanism...and mine ;).

The desk's purely a stop gap, it was the only one i could find narrow enough to fit under the stairs, when the builders have finished my Loft room then I'll move everything up there and get a proper one. Funny that all the comments have been about everything except the PC...:D
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How my v1200+ is currently looking.

Arcane... I would but I think the A16 is a rip off atm here, twice the price for exactly the same thing compared to the US. It does however look awesome, black tygon?

Things to come for mine:

More paxmate to hide wires.
Water cooling.
Custom window.
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Raikiri said:
Arcane... I would but I think the A16 is a rip off atm here, twice the price for exactly the same thing compared to the US. It does however look awesome, black tygon?

You are 100% right, it is too expensive but I just lived on beans on toast for a month :D. Black 1/2" absolute pig to work with.

btw, Looking very nice Raikiri, always fancied one of those.
Nice, stdu007! Would you mind putting up some more pictures of your TJ09? I'm interested in getting one instead of a Stacker 830, and your build looks like it might change my mind. ;)
Thank you.
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