Thought I should post in here eventually and now is the time.
Manky old beige-box packing a whopping XP 1900+
Very nice Triniton CRT but it does take up a lot of space on the otherwise substantial desk
Keyboard came with the rig... all the keys vvork
Mouse 'borrowed' from work - it glows red when I turn the light out.
Kinyo (who?!) speakers - what can I say, they work!
Laptop also belongs to work. Possibly from the late Victorian era but I can watch DVDs on the train.
Wine was a Shiraz I believe, cheeky little number.
Dogs head on stick is model's own.
This setup had done me well for a good few years but it's starting to choke a bit with new games and the pressures of massive downloads and multiple high spec applications runing at once
New/upgraded rig should be on it's way around April time (read, bonus time), hopefuly 'avec une panel flatte'. Would certainly make things easier in the space department.