The next Predator movie is going to be called "Prey" and is due out in Summer 2022 on the streaming service Hulu. As a brief synopsis, it's set 300 years ago around Naru, a skilled native American warrior who fiercely protects her tribe as an alien Predator hunts them. It stars Amber Midthunder as Naru and is directed by Dan Trachtenberg, director of 10 Cloverfield Lane.
Just due to the clear size/strength difference between a human female and a Predator I'd suggest Naru would probably be using traps and guile rather than outright 1v1 slugging match, almost like the OG Arnie setting traps everywhere, which would be a nice call-back to the Original film.
Regarding having a woman face the Predator, I loved Noguchi in the AvP novels (a strong female character) so I'd usually not be worried about having another "strong female warrior" in this franchise as Noguchi's character was well written, believable and she took no poop from people who treated her poorly due to her gender. However in today's Hollywood climate where seemingly "women must be shown to be flawlessly stunning and brave" rather than as real, believable characters with their own strengths and weaknesses, I'm a little concerned that this story will fall into this same "get woke, go broke" trap of many current year story-telling in films which would be a massive shame for a franchise struggling after so many flops (AVP1-2 & The Predator).
I really just want a well written story so I can disappear into the Predator world for a few hours without obvious "modern day politics" story-writting dragging me back out of the film.
Just due to the clear size/strength difference between a human female and a Predator I'd suggest Naru would probably be using traps and guile rather than outright 1v1 slugging match, almost like the OG Arnie setting traps everywhere, which would be a nice call-back to the Original film.
Regarding having a woman face the Predator, I loved Noguchi in the AvP novels (a strong female character) so I'd usually not be worried about having another "strong female warrior" in this franchise as Noguchi's character was well written, believable and she took no poop from people who treated her poorly due to her gender. However in today's Hollywood climate where seemingly "women must be shown to be flawlessly stunning and brave" rather than as real, believable characters with their own strengths and weaknesses, I'm a little concerned that this story will fall into this same "get woke, go broke" trap of many current year story-telling in films which would be a massive shame for a franchise struggling after so many flops (AVP1-2 & The Predator).
I really just want a well written story so I can disappear into the Predator world for a few hours without obvious "modern day politics" story-writting dragging me back out of the film.