The next Predator movie - Prey (2022 on Hulu)

12 Jul 2007
The next Predator movie is going to be called "Prey" and is due out in Summer 2022 on the streaming service Hulu. As a brief synopsis, it's set 300 years ago around Naru, a skilled native American warrior who fiercely protects her tribe as an alien Predator hunts them. It stars Amber Midthunder as Naru and is directed by Dan Trachtenberg, director of 10 Cloverfield Lane.


Just due to the clear size/strength difference between a human female and a Predator I'd suggest Naru would probably be using traps and guile rather than outright 1v1 slugging match, almost like the OG Arnie setting traps everywhere, which would be a nice call-back to the Original film.

Regarding having a woman face the Predator, I loved Noguchi in the AvP novels (a strong female character) so I'd usually not be worried about having another "strong female warrior" in this franchise as Noguchi's character was well written, believable and she took no poop from people who treated her poorly due to her gender. However in today's Hollywood climate where seemingly "women must be shown to be flawlessly stunning and brave" rather than as real, believable characters with their own strengths and weaknesses, I'm a little concerned that this story will fall into this same "get woke, go broke" trap of many current year story-telling in films which would be a massive shame for a franchise struggling after so many flops (AVP1-2 & The Predator).

I really just want a well written story so I can disappear into the Predator world for a few hours without obvious "modern day politics" story-writting dragging me back out of the film.
Pity its set in the past, I'd much rather see something like the "space" Marines from Aliens up against Predators than something in the past. We keep getting Predators versus current/past humans whereas I'd rather see something more sci-fi and have future humans v predators.
a skilled native American warrior who fiercely protects her tribe as an alien Predator hunts them.
Oh dear. This doesn't sound good. Nothing against a woman lead but it feels like the current Holywood woke trend of women being unbeatable. A group of highly trained special forces got wiped out in the first one and even Arnie barely got away with his life. But a lone woman with a bow an arrow can protect the tribe. I'd love for it to be good. But I'll definitely be waiting for real world reviews before considering seeing this one.
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I'd like to see a Predator vs British Government film.

Plenty of predators in that lot already :D

There's no reason this can't be good, just because the hero is a woman (just look at alien/aliens) as long as that fact isn't the sole focus of the film, but as already mentioned, not a great track record over the last few films :/

Don't know if serious or not, but i'm keen on the idea. OTT hollywood style will be fine.
Could make a nice change when the "bad guy" wins, although which one that is is up for debate :D

I'm in, if they set it in inner city London, it would be a joy to watch the predator work its way through gang after gang of chavs :cry:
Oh dear. This doesn't sound good. Nothing against a woman lead but it feels like the current Holywood woke trend of women being unbeatable. A group of highly trained special forces got wiped out in the first one and even Arnie barely got away with his life. But a lone woman with a bow an arrow can protect the tribe. I'd love for it to be good. But I'll definitely be waiting for real world reviews before considering seeing this one.

There was an old predator story where one was hunting an African tribe. The protagonist, a young inexperienced boy, manages to wounds the predator by timing and throwing his spear just as the pred shoots his shoulder cannon then finishes him off. This was way before being woke was a thing...

If they do it right it should make for a good story, particularly as they had Noguchi from the original AVP story defeat a number of xenomorphs while some predators got themselves killed.

That said, I will be surprised if it's any good. The Predator was one of the worst films I've ever seen.
If they do it right it should make for a good story, particularly as they had Noguchi from the original AVP story defeat a number of xenomorphs while some predators got themselves killed.

Plus she held her own in Predator "society" once she joined them to further hunt Aliens where, even if she wasn't liked by a great deal of them for being a small female human, they respected her "blooded mark" left by Broken Tusk and the fact that she'd helped take down an Alien Queen, a feat very rarely accomplished even when combining large numbers of blooded Predators for the task.

The writing in the Novel/Comic/Graphic Novel of the OG AvP story "Prey" had her start as a humourless corporate drone who practices martial arts as a stress relief who ends up on a backwater planet in a community of hardened ranchers giving an immediate "corporate vs ranch hands" situation where her failings and weaknesses as a character were worked through by sheer determination and grit until she was a respected leader of the community without ever feeling that the reason she became so respected was due to her gender but instead due to her personal growth and character strength. Then she has to go through a similar adjustment period where she gains the respect of the Predator called Broken Tusk during her fight against both the Aliens and also some rebelling Predators. By the end she's a far different person than the humourless corporate drone who started the novel and she had a completely believable character arc, something rare to see nowadays.

Aside from the AvP action, which dominates most of the story, her character arc is really well written and far better than the awful film attempt at AvP which tried (badly) to copy a few of her character traits across to Alexa Woods, the woman leading the Ice expedition.
Arrrghh the moment any film has a female lead, suddenly its now "woke" . I presume the Alien films are all "woke" nightmares for some of you ?

Maybe I'm getting on a bit , but the female hero / survivor wasnt unusual in genre films and no one used to get their panties in a twist about it.
Maybe I'm getting on a bit , but the female hero / survivor wasnt unusual in genre films and no one used to get their panties in a twist about it.

I agree, which is why some of us were praising the way that a strong female character in the Predator universe was written over 20 years ago (Noguchi). The general complaint nowadays (certainly from myself at least) isn't based on there being a "strong female character" but instead its mainly based on the way strong female characters are written today, which tends to be the same cookie-cutter "to be strong I must never fail at anything whilst talking down to stupid men" type writing which just isn't seen as "good writing" by a large portion of the target audience.
I can understand that point. It's the writing that's at fault, not the presence of a female lead. To paraphrase something I hear the other day, "Female is not a character. Black is not a character. Lesbian is not a character."
I don't care who the cast are, it's the story I want to engage me.

Hopefully this is the start of a series based on the anthology book "If it bleeds". That was a good, interesting take on the idea so the source material is already there.
If the premise of this film sounds interesting to you I'd recommend giving the audiobook Alien Phalanx a listen. Medieval setting with aliens, sounds naff but actually very good.
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