The **Now Eating** Thread

Soy & ginger pork chops with a sherry glaze, served with spring rolls and rice.

I bought a big box of frozen spring rolls from a Chinese Supermarket which you have to deep fry. I did that, and then put them into one of my sieves for the oil to drain off. When I looked back, I saw this:

In future Ahleckz, put hot oil into your METAL sieve!
Been having a bit of a "Jamie's 15 Minute Meals" fest this week!

Thursday we had his Killer Kedgeree, Friday was Poached Fish with Coddled Eggs and Tomato Bread, with spinach and peas, yesterday we had a Mexican BLT (which bizarrely had chicken in as well, but that was absolutely amazing - homemade guacamole, fresh baked baguettes, spiced chicken and bacon with salad - just brilliant!) today was his Golden Chicken with Potato Gratin and green veg.

All of them very nice - if only I could make them in 15 minutes though! Took about 25 today though so still not bad!
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i would be *now eating* a new burger from maccy D's but the first weeks one doesnt look that great to me :/ roll on week 2 and week 4 :D
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