120g £1.75/1.2 = £1.45p per 100g For a bagWere they on discount? How did you end up with 4 boxes.
340g £3.00/3.4 = 88p per 100g for a box
Bargain of the week!
120g £1.75/1.2 = £1.45p per 100g For a bagWere they on discount? How did you end up with 4 boxes.
I've never tried any of the Charlie Bighams meals, are they decent? Looks like a good amount of meat in there too
They are indeed great for a treat now and then.They’re very nice, I’ve never had a bad one. They’re pretty lumpy in price though. The single person ones are £6. Mind you saying that, M&S charge even more for some of their gastropub stuff.
Fish finger ciabatta
120g £1.75/1.2 = £1.45p per 100g For a bag
340g £3.00/3.4 = 88p per 100g for a box
Bargain of the week!
Are they Percy bum holes?
Help me out here!
I had not had fish fingers for years and had never had a fish finger sandwich until last year and at first bought generic Iceland fish fingers and then the Captains and was really underwhelmed on both
occasions by the lack of fish fingery I remember from the last time I had them and as I remember from being a child.
Is there a brand I should look out for that now delivers that fish finger, or is it a case of put up with it cus that's all you get now bruv.
Did see giant fish fingers in Waitrose a while ago, but suspect that may have been a one off...
I had the same thing last night but with air fried franks. Mash and beans is such a comforting little combo
I thought they're usually all pink? I guess I'm mistakenThey are usually pink face and red ears.. I think..
Cheers mateAhhh well.
I'm quite partial to a scruffy generic "captains" fish finger
The pub / restaurant ones seem sometimes to be fish goujons in batter or bread crumb
The large Waitrose ones are nice but must admit don't recall having put them in a sarnie!
No probs mate and, obvs, report back with updated thoughts and findingsCheers mate
I guess I would be better off doubling up on the generics perhaps..
Local fish & chip shop does some really nice Haddock goujons, so I may consider that next time and also make an excuse to visit Waitrose at the weekend