The **Now Eating** Thread

Fear not the dark soy sauce!

These days I don't usually measure out the wet ingredients and tend to add decreasing sized dashes of light soy, dark soy and Shaoxing wine to the wok whilst cooking. Oyster sauce, fish sauce, and sesame oil can also feature as the mood/recipe takes me.

Shaoxing is the secret to this dish. Bitta MSG also :)
I think I’ve got a problem…




In a blind taste 100% of participants (n=5) correctly identified the different chocolates. 100% preferred Kvikk Lunsj.

Hopefully they were a bit more interesting than the Japanese Kitkats I had.
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Last night we met with friends at Crafted, in Hull for more MrsHB birthday celebrations. So wrapped up in the moment, I forgot to take pics, but a stock image from their website which looks similar to what we had. They serve Hawkstones which I quite like, but couldn’t have as I was the designated driver. :(


Suffice to say we’ve been eating out for 5 days straight, and I’m glad we aren’t going out today!
Hopefully they were a bit more interesting than the Japanese Kitkats I had.

Not “interesting” as such. Just kitkat with waaay better chocolate!

@HoneyBadger - someone’s been a really good boy! Looking at you like @Gilbert89 looks at a pathia :cry:

Edit - and also how I look at one in fairness :p
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