The OcUK 2008 Men of Honour

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Lopéz - truly a man of values
Berserker - as honest and helpful as they come
dmpoole - a real gentleman with a heart of gold

Let's hear it for the 2008 Men of Honour :)

Well done guys, very good choices! :)

I was going to suggest that there should be some other award for long time forum contribution (lifetime achievment award style), because I always thought fellas like dmpoole deserved some praise for their addition to the forum. But now he has an award, well deserved :)
So essentially a Don is a higher honour?

Are there any other things you can achieve?

Not really unless you want to be a moderator on a forum... yes it's a privilege and honour to be asked to do it, but a MoH is a member that's made an outstanding contribution towards the forum in such a way as to be credited for their input.

Dons are not MoH (well a few of us are, I am and a couple of others are too) however MoH is a rarer title and one to be cherished. :)

You can achieve being an Underboss too. There used to be member of the month awards but as we've got bigger it's been harder to make such calls. However noteworthy people are noticed.

For your interest, Leon used to be an Admin (Comissario) and Berserker a Don a while back. :)
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